Arealous' rating for "The Darkness" Game

Available on PS3 and Xbox360. I have the PS3 version, graphics are beautiful, lighting is amazing. The game is much more plot driven than I expected, and takes some interesting turns. I have yet to try the multiplayer, but I would definitely recommend this for someone who is tired of conventional FPS or RPG games.
Don't forget, this is made by Starbreeze Studios, the people behind one of the best games ever, Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, that game was also not quite a FPS or RPG, it was a great mixture of the two.

I'm buying The Darkness, later on.
Don't bother with a demo, buy this game, this is next-gen gaming, utterly brilliant and I've only played it for 20 minutes!

On a portable TV the graphics are jaw-dropping, even better than GoW.

You could say I'm impressed.
wow high praise indeed so far, I must say i have been looking forward to this game myself, If it comes out for PC I may get it:)
I'm playing it on 1080p, truly showing the power of next gen consoles. I really enjoy the theme of the game in that they really make you hate the lights, making the contrast so annoying on your eyes.
Does anyone know how to kill that guy at Gun Hill? I've gone in there via the subway maintenance door and can't find either him or how to get out of the alleyway unless I go back to the subway.
The game looks promising indeed.
One thing I'm worried about tough are the (possible) amount of scripted events. Someone please tell me they didn't go overboard with those.