Are you pissed off at Sony/Microsoft for ripping off the Wii?

What do you think of Sony/Microsoft Motion Controls

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I know I'm pissed off... not because of motion controls (which I personally think is a stupid concept) but because how both companies blatantly ripped off the concept of making motion controls prominent in a console from the Wii to make a profit.

I think it was a really messed up thing to do when both companies were probably laughing their asses off at the idea of motion controls about 7 years ago.

With the release of Kinect/Move I can only hope they both fail so Microsoft and Sony get their "come-uppins"

What do you guys think? Will you buy Kinect/Move or are you furious at both companies?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I will probably buy it.
I think it will come down to how well the technology works I guess. Also, they will need some interesting games to compete with the Wii as well. It has such a head start and has done so many things. If the games aren't good, I think it may fizz a bit. See what happens though.
Why would I be furious? That's how this business has always worked. Someone comes up with something new and others follow.
Eh, I'm fairly ambivalent to both of them to be honest. I think Kinect has greater potential, but both Move and Kinect are little more than rip-offs at this point.
I'm not a fan of motion controls in general and look at them as more or less a gimmick,just like this whole 3D craze right now,but ultimately,I'm not required to buy them in order to play the games I want to play,so I really don't give a shit.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm not pissed, I'm just not impressed. I will never get Move and probably never get Kinect.
So basically what you are saying is if one company starts with an idea that no other company should improve or innovate and profit from it in ther own way ???

I guess then we should say that when NES came up with wireless controler, who ever was next making wireless controlers with an innovated design was just ripping off NES idea for profit.

Same goes with CD-ROM/DVDs, wireless internet connectivity, Steering wheels, Voice communication head sets, rumble controlers and many other peripherals.... from who started with them to who improved upon it.

These things are improved upon by the competitors and become a standard feature over time. As will motion controlers and now already 3D viewing becoming the new standard for future console wars.

M$ and Sony had the motion controler idea way before Nintendo did from what I understand, they just never got it to work as well as Nintendo did at that time, but after experiencing what the Move can do compared to Wii-mote with near 1:1 motion tracking ill take a move over a mote any day.

Im happy to see new things come out everyday in the video game industry and more happy to see things getting improved upon faster than ever.
The Kinect on the other hand is somwhat unique but seems limited and not 1:1 in tracking from what I have seen in
person so don't be surprised when M$ makes a Wii-Move like device to improve on tracking. Wii did it with the plus adaptor so why cant M$.

Ill say 1 year from now, they dont wana look bad yet...
its the next step in gaming,so why be pissed off.
i wont buy it and i find that the Wii cannot really guage my movement/movement speed/guage movement correctly as it is already when i go to my friends house and all he plays is the stupid Wii.
technically shouldn't you be mad at Nintendo/Wii for ripping of the grandfather of motion gaming which would be those arcade games that you dance on giant floor with the arrows? i have no idea the name of that game


Fan of Kat Katy and Zooey the holy trinity
I've had a go on Move and my first thoughts were that the controller looks like a vibe.

Haven't seen kinect in action yet though.
I played the Kinect in a store. My kids loved it and want me to buy them it for Christmas. I liked it. I like it the no remote to play just my body is cool. It reacted to me faster than I thought not to bad a delay. The only thing I don't really like about it is if you play multi-player games you have to be pretty close together as the censer bar doesn't have a huge area for playing. That's one area I'd like improved. I may eventually buy it but not anytime soon. Though a number of people I know already have it and love it for single player games.

The Move though I'm not sure about yet. I haven't had the chance to play it.