Are you guys/gals porn addicts?

of course i am. Otherwise i wouldn't be here.

lone gunman

Closed Account
I,from time to time,fall into a porn/sex addiction episode.
Sometimes I can clearly recognize it as an addiction.
I'm not addict I can take it or leave it!
I love porn but I'm not addicted and my girlfriend says the same thing too, we only watch and look at porn perhaps once a week or sometimes even once every couple of weeks since it all depends what mood we are in. This site is good for porn fans to talk about porn and other things and it's great that pornstars are members here too so we can interact with them.
Like Drew84 I looove porn but i'm not addicted.

I'm here to talk about something I enjoy just like every other forum is about something people enjoy... Nobody should be thought of as sad for being here because its just another (if slightly more taboo!) form of entertainment.

I'm also here to be another in the list of ordinary non-porn-star women who are secure enough in ourselves to admit that we love sex.

possibly .. but as Joanne comments, the beauty of this site is that you can talk sex politics and sport on the same BB .. I'd like to think that whilst I undoubtedly do love sex and porn it doesn't define who I am
Yes, I am an addict as much as I am an action, a thriller, war, espionnage and horror movies addict. Does it answer your question?????
I've been counselled and explained that I have pathological computer use which is an accepted description for excessive computer use that interferes with daily life.

  • Recurrent failure to resist impulses to engage in a specified behavior - Yes
  • Increasing sense of tension immediately prior to initiating the behavior - Yes
  • Pleasure or relief at the time of engaging in the behavior - Very much so
At least five of the following:
  • Frequent preoccupation with the behavior or with activity that is preparatory to the behavior - Yes, I have been to speed dating many times and I always assess the woman according to how well she'd perform in porn - forgetting that they might have a brain, sense of humour etc...
  • Frequent engaging in the behavior to a greater extent or over a longer period than intended - Yes, many hours at once, and always throughout the entire weekend. Once I was online so long that I forgot to pick my (now ex) wife up from the train station and she had to get a taxi to get home :(
  • Repeated efforts to reduce, control, or stop the behavior - I try my best to distract myself with PS2 games, DVDs or facebook applications, but always revert to online porn
  • A great deal of time spent in activities necessary for the behavior, engaging in the behavior, or recovering from its effects - been online now since 8.30am, and I'll probably still be here come 11pm
  • Frequent engaging in the behavior when expected to fulfill occupational, academic, domestic or social obligations - should be at work right now but called in sick
  • Important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of the behavior - hardly ever go out and when I do I am always thinking that I should be at home trawlling for online porn
  • Continuation of the behavior despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent social, financial, psychological, or physical problem that is caused or exacerbated by the behavior - I'm admitting I have a problem right now
  • Tolerance: need to increase the intensity or frequency of the behavior in order to achieve the desired effect, or diminished effect with continued behavior of the same intensity - moved from softcore to hardcore shortly after getting my first computer, now onto mf fetish and extreme fetishes involving bi/gay/shemale/piss/scat/bondage etc
  • Restlessness or irritability if unable to engage in the behavior - always making excuses to leave any form of social/occupational function early so that I don't spend too much time offline, and have developed a tick in my legs that means they don't stop bouncing when I'm online

But my pathological computer use doesn't restrict itself to online porn. I am addicted to buying DVDs online too. Just bought Bladerunner Extended, Directors, Extreme Edition - or whatever it's called (you know, the one that goes on for about 7 days before you realise that you forgot to take a bathroom break :()

So, in answer to the question...

Nah. I could give it up anytime (but the voices won't let me)

EDIT: Seriously, I think I might have a real problem and may need proper help.
Hmmm, I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. Porn is a nice way to relax and not think...

I wouldn't consider myself addicted because I could do without the porn and I don't watch it everyday, but it is good fun.
I don't think I am. I mean, I love porn, but I don't need it to get by. I love these forums in particular because of the people who regularly post here, the topics, and the freedom to say whatever without "offending" people like you would on many other forums. I've laughed out loud more times surfing through these forums more than anywhere else, and read all kinds of interesting things here as well.

And I do love hot, naked girls.:partysml: