Are you going to buy an iPad?

Are you going to buy an iPad?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • No

    Votes: 54 85.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters
Is anyone going to purchase an iPad? What do you think about it? I've read that it's nothing more than a glorified iPhone or iTouch.
Its an iPod Touch, only bigger. It can't multitask, and it would feel odd to hold. No, I'll pass.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
No. I'm not getting anything from Apple ever again. My iPhone is a piece of shit which I plan on punting as soon as my contract is up. If I ever saw Steve Jobs on the street, I'd punch him in the ovaries. :mad:
depends on how much memory they will be able to stuff in that thing.

i don't think i'll even consider one if it is sporting less than 1 TB of memory.
What the fuck do I need to carry that fucking thing around for? I'd end up dropping it and breaking it within a week.
I tried one out, but it was bulky when in my underwear, terribly uncomfortable, and entirely nonabsorbent. I don't see the point of it. :dunno:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I tried one out, but it was bulky when in my underwear, terribly uncomfortable, and entirely nonabsorbent. I don't see the point of it. :dunno:

It's an anal suppository, moron. You have to insert it to get the full effect. You're doin' it wrong...
Too expensive. I'd rather just put the same money toward an Apple laptop...:dunno:

An iTouch is on my horizon....(can't get an iPhone until the end of the year :mad:)


Ex-FreeOnes Team Member
I actually was planning on getting one, but then i saw the Microsoft Courier. Think i'm going for that one... not sure yet...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It sure is a upgraded iPhone,and like the iPhone, it just allows Apple Shop programs etc so i would onlc buy one if it is, 'unlocked' and actually free to use like I as a customer want it to be.

I will just get another company's version once i have the cash and the desire to carry around such a thing.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
It makes me giggle that you can't simply tether your iPhone to have to buy a second plan to cover internet to it.

I'll stick with my non-apple smart phone and netbook.
depends on how much memory they will be able to stuff in that thing.

i don't think i'll even consider one if it is sporting less than 1 TB of memory.

It's an Apple product, which means unless you're a top tier Mac desktop, it's probably only going to have 160-250GB.

It sure is a upgraded iPhone,and like the iPhone, it just allows Apple Shop programs etc so i would onlc buy one if it is, 'unlocked' and actually free to use like I as a customer want it to be.

I will just get another company's version once i have the cash and the desire to carry around such a thing.

Unless you wait for someone to hack it open like the iPhone/iPod touch, I think you'd be better off without it.
Apple need to reconsider naming everything i this and i that.

I use Apple products but they need to become a little more creative with their marketing.