Are You Comfortable with Nudity?

Will E Worm

I'm not a nudist or an exhibitionist. Sorry, SoliOdi. :tongue:

Will E Worm

Ah so YOU were the "friend" he was dying to get a peek at!
How come you waited 17 months to crush his dreams? :1orglaugh

What, you don't want a peek? :D

SoliOdi's thread was started 09-13-2006, I didn't join until November 2007.

Where's SoliOdi?
Never been very comfy being nekkid in front of anyone until met KittyKat...but I quess I'm back to how I was before I met her...:(
I'm too fucking fat and hairy to be seen naked in public. My girlfriend doesn't seem to mind, but other people would. I have a couple friends that are strippers, and I visit them at work, so i have seen my friends naked.