Are English sportsmen in meltdown?

England's football team was beaten by Brazil with only a handful of players from the first line-up on the pitch. Friendlies mean nothing. England comfortably qualified for South Africa. I don't see a crisis there. Capello has done them good.

Overall British sportspeople are as successful as ever. The medal count at Beijing was extraordinary. And it is likely to increase (slightly) at London 2012.

And nobody needs Cricket. Let the Sri Lankans have it!

Cricket is the greatest gift to the world that England has ever given.It's the game which paved the way for modern sports (football was way less popular up till about 50 years ago) and is the ultimate in complexity, elegance and versatility.Whoever named football the "beautiful game" hasn't been looking round.


I don't get it; even though that England has some of the worlds best players, they still lack to be able to beat teams that's lower than them in skill.

Who are these world class players your going on about?

England have two & thats Stevie G & Mr Beckham , none of your other players would walk straight into any of the real world class teams also Beckham doesnt seem to be flavour of the month with Capello so we will say one and thats Stevie

Who for England would walk straight into Spains , Italy , Brazil , Argentina , France or Hollands team

England are a great team with good players but they fall well short of being world class

Your other great players are Rooney & Lampard but they fall short of being world class , Rooney is still young & could acheive it , but Lampards best years are behind him

They have a slim chance next year but they wont win it , the quarter finals is your best bet

PS just be thankfull your not Scottish :weeping:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm not even English.

My country's best are/were; Thomas Ravelli, Tomas Brolin, Henrik "Henke" Larsson, Marcus Berg, Fredrik Ljungberg, Anders Svensson and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
In football, the English FA should reduce the number of forgeiners that play in the premiership, there too many of them and we need more English players in the premiership and if we don't do that then we have to start finding English players in the lower leagues. English football clubs should do more for young English school kids so when they grow up they could progress to be a potential talented players in the England international side.

That's a very good and important point. The people at the top
need to remember it's not all about foriegn billionaires and the
big four teams. If you don't invest in homegrown talent what
hope is there for England's football team in 10 or 20 years time.

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: we qualified easily for the world cup but
anything less would have been an embarrassment. The big teams are
all seeded in different qualifying groups to make it as easy as possible
for all of them to qualify. Even if England's best eleven are fit and ready
for action in South Africa I doubt they will be a match for the best teams
in the world when the going gets tough but I could be wrong. We'll see.

habo9, it pains me to admit it as an English man but I think you do talk
a lot of sense. :thumbsup:

Thanks for all the replies. I really enjoyed reading them. Keep 'em cumming :hatsoff:


I'm not even English.

My country's best are/were; Thomas Ravelli, Tomas Brolin, Henrik "Henke" Larsson, Marcus Berg, Fredrik Ljungberg, Anders Svensson and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Sorry mate I didnt mean to have your post in , it was meant to be wigsters

How did that happen?


habo9, it pains me to admit it as an English man but I think you do talk
a lot of sense. :thumbsup:

Cheers :thumbsup:

LOL a bad week , its been a bad 2 years for us but at least Burley got sacked tonight

I wish we had your problems :rofl:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I find it funny that there are people in the UK that will say about how the US is only good at sports it's invented,

... Basketball was invented by a Canadian.

So, there ya go. America is good at one sport they didn't invent. :thumbsup:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Sorry mate I didnt mean to have your post in , it was meant to be wigsters

How did that happen?

Divine intervention?


... Basketball was invented by a Canadian.

So, there ya go. America is good at one sport they didn't invent. :thumbsup:

"Americans played a version of the English game rounders in the early 1800s which they called "Town Ball"

That baseball is based on English and Gaelic games such as cat, cricket, and rounders is difficult to dispute

So we took what us American's liked from the English game and made a few twist.

American Football
The History of American football, a spectator sport in the United States, can be traced to early versions of rugby football. Both games have their origin in varieties of football played in the United Kingdom in the mid-19th century, in which a ball is kicked at a goal and/or run over a line.

Basketball , as you said, was invented by a Canadian.
Ice hockey came from the natives living in Canada.

So actually the sports that US is good at are from the British. Thanks Chaps!
"Americans played a version of the English game rounders in the early 1800s which they called "Town Ball"

That baseball is based on English and Gaelic games such as cat, cricket, and rounders is difficult to dispute

So we took what us American's liked from the English game and made a few twist.

American Football
The History of American football, a spectator sport in the United States, can be traced to early versions of rugby football. Both games have their origin in varieties of football played in the United Kingdom in the mid-19th century, in which a ball is kicked at a goal and/or run over a line.

Basketball , as you said, was invented by a Canadian.
Ice hockey came from the natives living in Canada.

So actually the sports that US is good at are from the British. Thanks Chaps!

Like all British kids we played rounders at school.When I watch baseball it's clearly the same game (more formalised of course ) and in general I know what's going on and understand it.This shouldn't be any surprise as the settlers would have brought it over.


great thread.

i'll just add that David Beckham is still a great player but well past his best. i'd still take him to South Africa and keep him on the bench.