Apple geeks conduct 'iPad wedding'

[buzzkill]Yeah but is that going to bring back all those dead Chinese workers who get tortured, enslaved, and poor pay to bring forth this glorious day of iPad love and matrimony? [/buzzkill]


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
After reading this, I'll never feel bad about trying to get my fiance to wear d20 cufflinks with his tux or creating d20 soap favors for our wedding. LOL

I've been outgeeked.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I suppose on the wedding cards they were named iGroom and iBride

And yes, they will be divorced in a month


Ipad is freaking horrible. $800 for something that a computer would do 50x faster.

Graphics = back a generation tech wise.

No flash = macs can't run em and STEVE JOBS lets us know how much he hates ADOBE on a daily basis with his weird ass wars he starts.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
hmm...wonder if anyone has made an iCthulhu yet?
:thefinger: both of them can just iFuckoff. Losers.