What are you talking about? Christopher Hitchens has written negative shit about Judaism and Islam over and over again. Bill Maher's lambasted Judaism in Religilious and attacked Islam probably more than anybody in American non-talk radio media. And Richard Dawkins went on about how Jews “monopolize American foreign policy?”
What atheists are more well known and popular as Hitchens, Dawkins and Maher? Even Penn Jillette put out a video where he gleefully introduced bacon to a life long kosher Jew.
What God concept do you think most atheists are criticizing? It ain't Zeus or Ahura Mazda, it's Abraham's. It seems that a lot of Christians believe that the God and the six day creation are Christian concepts. I've seen many Christians, for example, claim that the idea to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance or off the dollar bill is "anti-Christian". That's hilarious.
Christopher Hitchens? He treats Judaism with kid gloves after finding out he's part Jewish. He even refers to himself as a Jew from time to time, and not in a sarcastic manner. He isn't very critical of Israel's policies towards the Palestinians and has been called a closet-Zionist since 9/11.
He reserves much of his venom for Islam and Christianity......I wonder why.