This is a nasty event
i can see that. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:It's a wonder the poor girl didn't commit suicide after doing something like that.No matter how much She was paid,it isn't worth throwing away all your dignity and human respect.What is in these girl's minds?--Drugs,a death wish,self hate?-I just don't get it.I would never watch while a girl destroys and degrades herself like that.I think it is SICK!!--Now,before anybody thinks I am getting on a soapbox and trying to be the moral police,I am Not.Sex is great,sex is fun,porn is erotic in most cases,but for a Young Woman to be used like a rag that wipes out a toilet....well some things are just too much for Me.Arianna is somebody's daughter,somebody's sister,somebody's old high school sweetheart,She is a human being for God's sake.I cannot understand why she would throw herself away like that.To Me,it is very,very sad.--I also can't understand why any self respecting male would participate in Her degradation;not to mention standing around 64 losers playing with themselves.Those "so called" Men involved in this type of thing are not Men at all,(including the film makers).I hope all the bastards invoved get what is coming to them.
Sooo...the guys #2-#65 were all banging her bareback with the next guys jizz still inside her? That is so gross I wouldn't be able to get it up to bang her. It wouldn't be as nasty if they wore condoms but I guess you guys like that extreme dirty shit. And what kind of birth control is she using? Cuz if you have 65 loads shot into you, you'd think one of them got lucky. Haha, and imagine trying to find out who the father is.
All in all...that's some dirty shit...
And what kind of birth control is she using? Cuz if you have 65 loads shot into you, you'd think one of them got lucky.
Anybody that loves porn enough to come on a website, sign up on their message board and comment on porno movies or sex in general is sick to me. I hope all you assholes get what's coming to you! Not that i'm trying to get on a soapbox here and be the moral police, but you guys make me sick! Because ALL women deserve respect and performing sex for money with no intention of love is an abomination. Especially those of you have a girlfriend or wife and you're mentally cheating on them watching this filth, you are all dead in spirit. I sure hope all of you get what's coming to you.
Anybody that loves porn enough to come on a website, sign up on their message board and comment on porno movies or sex in general is sick to me. I hope all you assholes get what's coming to you! Not that i'm trying to get on a soapbox here and be the moral police, but you guys make me sick! Because ALL women deserve respect and performing sex for money with no intention of love is an abomination. Especially those of you have a girlfriend or wife and you're mentally cheating on them watching this filth, you are all dead in spirit. I sure hope all of you get what's coming to you.
I think I'll let my wife define cheating for me. After all, she's the authority on that matter when it comes to my marriage. And before you can say it, yes, I don't deserve her, but for some reason, she stays with me.Especially those of you have a girlfriend or wife and you're mentally cheating on them watching this filth, you are all dead in spirit.
Indeed. We all "get what's coming to us" based on how we take others into consideration and the resulting lives we have.I sure hope all of you get what's coming to you.
Anybody that loves porn enough to come on a website, sign up on their message board and comment on porno movies or sex in general is sick to me.
I hope all you assholes get what's coming to you! Not that i'm trying to get on a soapbox here and be the moral police, but you guys make me sick! Because ALL women deserve respect and performing sex for money with no intention of love is an abomination. Especially those of you have a girlfriend or wife and you're mentally cheating on them watching this filth, you are all dead in spirit. I sure hope all of you get what's coming to you.
I think Women deserve respect(even if they don't think so)
I feel this same way, I'm really surprised at the girls i've met and got to know who think they don't deserve respect and are surprised when they get respect or have nice things hapen for them. Went a bit off topic, but i like that quote.
ariana doing this movie has nothing to do with respect for women.
heres something: she did it on her own free will. also, she is a woman.
How old are you? You obviously have no idea how contraceptives work.
You obviously don't know shit, cus no contraceptive is 100% guarenteed to work. The odds are that she most likely won't get prego, but it's not a for sure thing.
You obviously don't know shit, cus no contraceptive is 100% guarenteed to work. The odds are that she most likely won't get prego, but it's not a for sure thing.
How old are you? You obviously have no idea how contraceptives work.
You obviously don't know shit, cus no contraceptive is 100% guarenteed to work. The odds are that she most likely won't get prego, but it's not a for sure thing.
OK let's have a little education here. Contraceptive pills work in two ways: by not allowing the fertilized egg to implant itself into the wall of the uterus, and by ceasing ovulation. Therefore, unlike you suggested, the fact that she had sex with 65 guys has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on the potential for her to get pregnant. In the first case, chances the egg will be fertilized don't matter, since it can't implant into the uterus anyway. In the second case, if there is no egg, it can't be fertilized no matter how much semen is present. So.... once again, it doesn't matter how many guys she fucks! I'll take my apology now you idiot.
Read this and get enlightened:
Yeah, apparently Freeones HASN'T experienced in the likes of sarcastic posts. I mean, after all, I'm not trying to get on a soapbox here and be the moral police or anything.WOW to all those that responded to rmagedon...
Main Entry:
French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwarəs- to cut
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm
the man was being... sarcastic