It's a wonder the poor girl didn't commit suicide after doing something like that.No matter how much She was paid,it isn't worth throwing away all your dignity and human respect.What is in these girl's minds?--Drugs,a death wish,self hate?-I just don't get it.I would never watch while a girl destroys and degrades herself like that.I think it is SICK!!--Now,before anybody thinks I am getting on a soapbox and trying to be the moral police,I am Not.Sex is great,sex is fun,porn is erotic in most cases,but for a Young Woman to be used like a rag that wipes out a toilet....well some things are just too much for Me.Arianna is somebody's daughter,somebody's sister,somebody's old high school sweetheart,She is a human being for God's sake.I cannot understand why she would throw herself away like that.To Me,it is very,very sad.--I also can't understand why any self respecting male would participate in Her degradation;not to mention standing around 64 losers playing with themselves.Those "so called" Men involved in this type of thing are not Men at all,(including the film makers).I hope all the bastards invoved get what is coming to them.