Anyone like Halloween and Horror movies?

I do like Halloween and Horror movies all the time, also some horror/porn movies if you haven't seen them.... Try here...

Porn of the Dead
Erotic Nights of the Living Dead
Slaughter Disc
The Exxxorcist


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Doesn't everyone :confused:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yes they even made a paradoy of Ghost Hunters, and there is also The Texas Dildo Massacre.


Was King of the Board for a Day
You can't go wrong with the original Halloween, one of the best horror movies ever made. Horror movies nowadays suck, the idea of atmosphere over pure spectacle/gore is lost among the teenagers of today.
LOVE!!!!! horror movies! they're about all I watch really. they just mean more to me, and I seem to relate to them more :dunno: :D
horror movies are awesome! Event Horizon!
I fucking love horror!!!!!!!!!! Halloween is my favorite holiday!!!!!!!!! I love it... I play all kinds of tricks on people! Its the best


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I friggin' despise the remakes, it's an insult to the greatness of The Carpenter.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I like movies that are creepy, but the kinda horror movies with gore and a lot of stabbing etc... not for me.


Member, you member...
Is this thread about horror movies or about adult movies with a horror theme?
