Anyone into swinging?

Awhile back I approached the wife about doing a threesome (her taking another cock). She'd have none of it and definitely not me with another woman. So we kinda reached a compromise. She'll ride realistic suction cup dildos in front of me - coffee table, refrigerator, bathtub etc. That works.

Yeah, I know.
honestly, don't have nothing against swinging, but it's not my kinda thing. i had a girl doing with me and my friend, dp and stuff, but my gf is just mine, simply am not into swinging. good luck finding a couple man.
I've always been interested in swinging but my SO would have nothing to do with it. She's given me the ok on a few occasions, but I always chicken out before actually doing anything. I've gotten to the point of joining some online communities and talking to people, but that's about it
Not too long ago my fiance and I tried it with friends of ours. A couple we've known for about five years. After a couple of drinks one night, we told them about the handful of times where I watched my girl fuck other dudes. Part of me figured they'd be judgmental or even critical about it, but instead we were just enthusiastically asked, "Oh, so ya guys swing?"

It wasn't too long after that the four of us had traded partners and were having some fun in the living room. The wife friend I was with was really cute and even though she had this awful, huge tattoo on her hip, I found her really fucking sexy. Still, and this might sound crazy, I was way into watching my girl get fucked instead of focusing my full attention on the wife. In a weird way, it was almost like I was fucking her while pretending she's my girl...AS I'm watching my girl get banged maybe 6 or 7 feet in front of me. Hopefully the wife didn't notice. She didn't seem to.

Afterwards everything felt a bit awkward. These were friends that we'd visit maybe every few months. In one night we went from a cool friendship to telling them intimate details of our sex life to ultimately making them part of it. But afterwards we all had another glass of wine or two and my girl and I staid the night. In the morning we woke up, the wife made us all a great breakfast and we carried on as if nothing had changed. It was very cool, but bizarre at the same time.

My girl and I never discussed doing it again. We both had fun and we plan to visit the couple again sometime over the summer, but we didn't really talk about it after the car ride home. I can tell that it's not something that she'd want to make a regular thing and I'm kind of right there with her.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Not too long ago my fiance and I tried it with friends of ours. A couple we've known for about five years. After a couple of drinks one night, we told them about the handful of times where I watched my girl fuck other dudes. Part of me figured they'd be judgmental or even critical about it, but instead we were just enthusiastically asked, "Oh, so ya guys swing?"

It wasn't too long after that the four of us had traded partners and were having some fun in the living room. The wife friend I was with was really cute and even though she had this awful, huge tattoo on her hip, I found her really fucking sexy. Still, and this might sound crazy, I was way into watching my girl get fucked instead of focusing my full attention on the wife. In a weird way, it was almost like I was fucking her while pretending she's my girl...AS I'm watching my girl get banged maybe 6 or 7 feet in front of me. Hopefully the wife didn't notice. She didn't seem to.

Afterwards everything felt a bit awkward. These were friends that we'd visit maybe every few months. In one night we went from a cool friendship to telling them intimate details of our sex life to ultimately making them part of it. But afterwards we all had another glass of wine or two and my girl and I staid the night. In the morning we woke up, the wife made us all a great breakfast and we carried on as if nothing had changed. It was very cool, but bizarre at the same time.

My girl and I never discussed doing it again. We both had fun and we plan to visit the couple again sometime over the summer, but we didn't really talk about it after the car ride home. I can tell that it's not something that she'd want to make a regular thing and I'm kind of right there with her.
Has your friendship with the other couple survived as before? What state is it in now?
Has your friendship with the other couple survived as before? What state is it in now?

Luckily it's pretty much the same. Or at least if feels like it so far. The girls were always closer and they still talk all the time. I don't think either of them really addressed what happened much or felt the need to. I still talk to my buddy and we shoot each other emails and texts all time, just like we always have. If there's any weirdness it's that my girl and I don't know if that's gonna be some expected thing again the next time we visit. It's hard to explain, but both of them have always been real cool friends and we don't want to change into this new thing...even though we definitely took it there.

I'm not opposed to something like that happening again, but only if it happens on its own. The idea of going to visit them for a weekend just to fuck isn't something I'm into. They're both these laid back libertarian hippie-ish-types and what was cool about hanging with them was that everything was laid back and we could just spend a whole afternoon drinking a few beers and shooting the shit. If that changed somehow, then that'll really suck. I don't think it has though.
Swingers are some of the creepiest people you will ever encounter.