Try adding in some upright rows.
It's a side effect of anabolic steroids on females.
Ronnie is probably a one in ten million genetic freak. He started out big and was incredibly strong, but he was very genetically receptive to lifting, and very receptive to multiple forms of gear. He was already pretty stout when he started to figure out peptides around 1998 and then he blew up. However, he's not a good example because even almost all of people that abuse gear heavily not only will never get that far, but don't even have the ability to get that big in the first place, ever. Of course I also think he looked best in the late nineties and the hg gut era he ushered in took away from bodybuilding later on. What a lot of people don't realize is things like HGH, insulin, and IGF-1, don't help you as much as old anabolic steroids do, they just raise up the plateau mark a little to enable you to push it up further than would be otherwise possible. On the other hand I think those things will just end up ruing a physique if pushed to far (Not that I have ever thought it was any of my business what other people put in there bodies.) after a while and the people that are serious about using them have to pay tens of thousands of dollars a year just to pay for various drugs.
To be honest I like the physiques from the gold era of bodybuilding the best with the exception that a lot of them needed to work their legs more and some of them could have had a better back. Some of the people of the 90s were good and I like Phil Heath now. I would much rather look like Surge Nubret or Flex Wheeler in his prime, (even though I know it's not possible for me to ever get there.) than Ronnie Coleman post 1999.