Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

Oh, I should get on that exploration. I've just been grinding to that 500K mark.

I change my mind about the fanfest coins. I think (for me) it's better to get 4 expansion vouchers instead of 1 4* ticket. You'll probably just get a crappy gold with the ticket, but since you always need to expand your inventory, that's worth a solid 400 Lapis.
Just finished the exploration. Thanks for warning me about Humbaba!! I would have totally underestimated him, I especially wouldn't have thought he would have as much HP as the bosses! I didn't take any chances and went all in when I finally found him (I have a compulsion to libra every monster and this is the only chance we get). It's like that dragon from that other event, where a random encounter is stronger than the boss.

Finally used my 10+1 since it expires tonight.... and got my WORST 10+1 PULL EVER. 1 Gold, 10 Blues. Literally the WORST possible scenario.

Yeah I'm gonna do exploration when off work. It definitely is crazy Harry wiped out half my team lol

Ugh that is a sucky pull man. But I've had 10+1 with all blues if I remember right. It was stupid Sabin and that bunny chick was in there too.

But man I pulled a double rainbow 10+1 a couple weeks ago. Troll bows but 2 no less!
Bunny Chick? You mean Ariana? I thought she was gold.
Also I think 10+1 are guaranteed 1 Gold (That's the +1), so if you got all blues you could probably put in a comlpaint saying gumi owes you a 4* ticket LOL.

Hunbaba I remember from FFVI (I never played III). He was this big fat monster who eats some little kids, and beat up poor Terra unconscious. Pretty dark stuff. Felt good when you beat his ass in the rematch.
I got a rainbow on free dissidia pull. My 2nd Prompto or whatever his name is. I have so many rainbows that collect dust lol
Man, you have all the luck on those pulls!
I'm trying to remember the last time I got a non-step up rainbow.
All those free daily pulls and 10+1s, and not a single rainbow, or decent gold.

Although I guess my luck went to getting death claws in the cave. I went all out on those earth fangs and this is the final tally:

Time to go shopping at the KM store I guess???
Whoa! Damn lmao nice dude! Where I get rainbows and units I rarely use you more than make up for in content!

I actually came in here to drop a I hope you're okay message lol been a week and usually you update somehow (normally during maintenance) and get back to game grinding.

Meh my pulls been shoddy lately. No biggie. I been in item world beefing up my weapons.

Claws of Darkness, Agaion Arm, some Spr staff, and Onion Knight I had awesome success beefing up to relieve some slots to focus on hp or mp.

Dang I have a friend unit with one of the new units 7* already and they have the hp 21k and spr (I do believe) at 2k I think. Amazing what some these folks have! Definitely helps me but daggone! I havent hit 2k yet on mag or atk lmao
Actually you were right about being worried. I had a friend who was put in palliative care on monday and they didn't last 2 days.
It's been going on since January so I guess it's good to have some finality now.

I have actually been waiting for the FFT even for a while. The first run was at a time I didn't have time to play and I missed kiyomori (like not even close). It seems like a must-have for evade units, so it might be worth IW'ing.

The other one I didn't realize that might be worth upgrading for tanks is that dragoon spear. It has elemental resistance, so loading it with def/spr might be perfect for Willie.
Whoo. So I completely forsook Story Event in lieu of IW which I'm not too sad about except missing lapis.

But I have like 200 refresh orbs for IW so no skin off my NRG.

Now a raid. I'll be once again hoarding cactus. Any units looking good for this time around that catches your eye?
Hope all is well with ya buddy.

I have all these raid moogles and none of the units except Rico lol

Just cashed in 150k coins finally. Got couple 4* so happy
I know what you mean. I ignored Cid's event until the 2nd last day, and JUST barely managed to finish it to get enough mats for his boots. That's a twist on the story events now; I guess we have to grind for crafting mats now?

I haven't played the main story since the last 1/2 NRG event, so I've been doing that literally non-stop for the last couple days. It's a good way to get my mind off of reality, which has been crazy lately.
I finished the entire Visectrum chapter and just started Rubiena tonight. I'm hoping to get to the Mama Chocobo Den and get that Shield Gauntlet. A H Shield on a LMS would be crazy!

Have you progressed along the story? There are some crazy twists (not just the obvious Hyou one), but I don't want to spoil them for you. There are 2 big ones that you might want to know about since it will affect how you look at 2 upcoming units, i.e. Akstar & CG Rain.
No I slowly creep upon the story line. Enough to build lapis up when need. Or I usually play it on a slow Saturday and get around a 2k lapis bounty.

All I know is when this Katy Perry event over with?

Oh are you ready for Golem trial? I have my OK at 115% or whatever. Sorry for asking again but physical or mag?
OK, I have my OK up for you at 80% Earth Resist & Stone Killer+. With his Enhanced S.Wind that's 150% Earth Resist.
For Golem, bring V.Earth (or Siggy) if you have him, and that should basically minimize any damage. My OK has both S.Wind and Onion Cutter enhanced so all you should need to do is repeat the 2 on a cycle. Golem is weaker to magic, so if you have Malphise that's even better, but you could probably still do well with Barbie.
Remember you can't dispel his earthen wall, so use shining crystal on those turns for extra anti-earth damage.

Let me know how it goes!
Then I will set up my Dark Fina, Barbie, maybe raise my 2nd Barbie up and put her in as high as I can. TT for chaos wave. VEarth I spect too. See how to build him.

Ill give ot a shot. Thank you good sir. I'll try tomorrow before bed.
I get him to 61%

Your unit didnt show up. I used kunshira with all wind and earth resist moves. But I can't touch him 2nd round. No matter what. Nothing gets through :mad:
He's definitely up as my share unit, so yo should see him when you cycle around.

When you say 2nd round, you mean the turn he uses Earthen Wall? As I mentioned he's untouchable during that turn & it can't be dispelled. You just have to wait out the turn, so You Might as well use ok's shining crystal to top up his damage.

He literally only has 4 offensive moves, and all his AoE moves are magic, so if you have a provoke mag tank at 130% Earth resist (=200% with S.Wind) you shouldn't take any damage.
Of course as last time when there is a friend unit I need it never pops up. I went through all five raid orbs and 3 of the new event levels. You still haven't popped up >_<

By the way I have the new bonus unit up for the event. It'll change when I can finally use your OK for Golem. But I leveled her out and she max for now. He seems decent all around.
Nice pull! I did 10 pulls so I could ensure getting the UoC and all I got were 2 metal robots... well better than nothing I guess?

So who is your Mag AoE Tank and are they able to take Frag Rock/Mag8? I'm guessing Bauch? All his physical attacks are ST, so as long as you provoke you shouldn't be taking any damage.
Also, just to clarify, we're talking about 3* Golem right? Not the new Dark Golem trial?
I have no clue about that one, and probably won't even attempt it for a while.

BTW your unit showed up on my list. I tried out that LB.... man that looks awesome.
Yes 3* Golem. I just recently acquired Leviathan. So I'm far from dark espers. Wow. I need to look at list lol