Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

I pulled Jiraiya today on the celebration ticket. Yay for rainbow! But what's he good for?
Congrats on your rainbow~~!
You mentioned it's been a while now, so that must feel great!

I know as a ninja he has a lot of elemental attacks. Maybe you can chain him with his kids/descendants?
Also every 5* will get a 7* sometime, so who knows, he might surprise us.
I know. I wish Rikku and couple other goodies would get some 7* loving. Rikku is a mighty unit.
Seriously, there are more than several 4* that I would love to see get a 7*: LMS would be an amazing tank, garnet is already a top-tier evoker, Lexa/Vicky because I don't have any 7* mages, and any FF6 units for nostalgia.

IW seems... different. There are more weapon options than usual which is nice, but I swear it's more difficult on floors 9/10.
Congrats on your rainbow~~!
You mentioned it's been a while now, so that must feel great!

I know as a ninja he has a lot of elemental attacks. Maybe you can chain him with his kids/descendants?
Also every 5* will get a 7* sometime, so who knows, he might surprise us.

Couple weeks ago i pulled Pure Summon Rydia. That was nice considering i dont have Yuna or that other CG unit.
Funny how our rainbows don't match. I don't have a single Loli-Rydia, Jiraya, Roberta, CG Fina, etc...

With a couple more UoC tix this week we're getting closer to that 2nd UoC. Have you considered what to use it on?

Figured I needed to use up those red vials and cashed them in for cactuarus and Lv 120 my Ayaka. As you know, I hate overshooting any enhancement mats, so I had her at L119 with like 20000 exp to go, so I was inching my way with regular cactuars, minitaurs and end finished with the chamber of exp... INT! LOL. There is something satisfying about not wasting a single cactaur.
Let me know if you need her up for something.

IW seems back to normal. The dino on Floor 9 just seemed stronger the first time I faced it this time. I'm considering 100% moggling my Tonitrus' because I don't have a good lightning sword and enhancing them while I still can.
I didn't get the 150k cost UoC tickets. So I missed two or so of them.

Ugh got wiped by Gilgamesh on first try cos of holding back to get the LB goal. I'm just gonna wipe through it real quick now and hope for the best. Don't let him get below prolly 50%. He was on 21% and he pulled a huge devastating move that sliced through reraise (CG Fina LB) and still wiped the party out.

I just use three of my exp items on units like my VoL to give wee bit of a exp boost. Takes up to 2.1x with what so have if I remember right.
2nd attempt a success! Your OK helped wonders with victory! Achieved all goals and good to go.

Now to continue story event and get it out of way to grind the KM event.
Yeah, I spent a lot to max out OK's LB, and I built him so he can spam it. Chaining him with the 6* OK LB is pretty devastating, even better with another OK friend unit.

But I took that same 7* OK friend with my 2 OKs against Odin and they still only did 1% damage. It's crazy.

I did love the remixed Gilgy music though.

...and in other news, IW is being a bitch. Several attempts on enhancing my greatswords and somehow I keep getting to 9F without a SINGLE atk modifier.
IW finally hit a nice one. That elfderick sword that's 125atk just added 15% ark and 15% mag. It should go well with Loren.

Your IW doing well? I lost to that stupid stone tiger earlier. I knew I should have CG Fina LB for reraise but my arrogance once again taught me humility
As I mentioned, IW is being a bitch. Basically no Atk modifiers on my swords. It's BS.

I'm thinking of rage-orbing as I'm really ticked off that the game purposefully does this. No way that rng is that bad.
Indeed. I found with certain weapons the last three cycles of IW have been completely opposite of what it should be for. I would receive atk and def for rods and staves and random shit. This time around I have had game crash on me twice upon getting to last three levels. I believe there might be a problem with IW coding. Maybe. Or just our bad luck on IW.

But this time around I actually came out. Out of 4 or 5 complete rounds this time.
And I have my tickets back up to 50 not including EX. I think back on my crappy last two months of splurging tickets and thinking: I'd have almost 90 right now. I need to learn self control daggone
Did you get 1000 lapis today in community event for "profile mastery?" What is that?
Huh, I didn't even notice that. No clue what profile mastery is, but for 1000 lapis I'll take it!
A lot of times I'll just "claim all" without looking since there's too much to read.

I also just noticed the rewards for the arena are a little better. They're throwing in multiple king pots and trust mogs even at the 30K level. That's not too bad.

I just cashed in my mogs for 2 Tonitrus to enhance. I need a good lighting based greatsword and there's no way I'm getting a bahamut tear. I'm thinking of putting them on my Hyous because he has that lightning imperil, and supposedly we're getting another neir automata event soon. Machine killer is nice, but lightning elementals seem to be more universally useful.
I haven't done arena in a while lol

I noticed lack of weekly raid reward chest.

Welp, 7* my CG Sakura? Man I'm swimming now with 7*. And im almost at 50 tickets so hopefully i get decent pulls!
So can I look forward to seeing her on my friends list?
The only one this round I can 7* is Noctis. Haven't looked at what he can do.

IW was FINALLY good to me on the last day and gave me 4 rare abilities for my greatswords. My 2 Tonitrus are ready now for my Hyous. I might put them on my OK instead of Excalibur.

Do you know what this "Wave battle" event is that starts soon?

I'm going to be busy the next hour blowing through 300K raid coins as the deadline is in a couple hours...
At least I should have enough king minitaurs to 7* another unit :)
When you 7* anything do you make sure you have both tmr or just one? Cos i have enough for one tmr and little leftover. Thankfully cg sakura has a nice tmr too.
You only need 1 TMR, and that should come from the awakening crystal because you can always build up the TMR on the base unit.

So let's say you have your "base" sakura with 15% TMR and your "sacrifice" sakura with 0% TMR. I would turn the sacrifice into a crystal, then max out the tmr crytal after that. You can build up the 2nd TMR from the base unit the old fashioned way.

The reason I do it this way is because if your "sacrifice" unit has already 100% tmr before you turn it into a crystal, you won't get the TMR crystal. Right now it's just a waste of space, but there are rumors that in the future you can use them in for something.