Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

And 1 Tech Giancryst away from enhancing TT's mag activation to level 2! I can taste the overkill now...

Oh, how is your friendship point moogle collecting going? It's over after reset tonight, by the way.
Yeah, Double Awk.Chaos Wave is gonna tear though enemies like paper. If you have a TT friend unit and chain it, you're pretty much set for most story bosses. Trials on the other hand... Make sure you're loaded with gil though!

Thanks for the arena hint. For me, it's a mix of inflicting stop myself, multiple ailments like you suggested, as well as MP drain. Rem is VITAL in arena if you have her with her materia (Delta Siphon), since it's never banned and by knocking down all enemies down to 0 mp you've neutered them unless there's a mp battery with a strong refresh (usually Ayaka). My stoppers are Noctis & Amelia, and for ailments I have setzer, ling and WoL with Rikku's pouch. I rotate those around depending on whether Ice attacks or ailments are banned. Generally I can't lose if I get first strike, but if I don't and get slammed with an AoE stop... :(
Man, I literally spend HOURS until the cutoff last night milking what I could. My friend points are down to 20 (LOL) and I cashed in all those bonus FPs throughout the week. I also had to cash in all my Tomb Raider disks (I have a bad habit of waiting till the last minute for those) and ended up with over 11 million gil, so I think I can skip the cavern this weekend for the first time. (I usually farm those weekends because those ability awakenings and expeditions drain your gil account like crazy!)

And of course I wanted to move the story along with the 1/2 NRG and I literally got to the last boss of the first world in Season 2 right at the deadline, so that couldn't have worked out any better. I was exactly like you for the story, I had finished behemoth and just got to Sol, and just stopped because I wanted to get better units as I heard he was NASTY. Then we had all those good events and I just left the story for months... until now.
My advice is to prepare for Sol as well, because he's stronger than the final boss of the season (by far, IMO). He can wipe your party in 2 turns if you're not prepared with dispels and buffs. But when you beat him, you will hear the BEST SONG EVER!
Seriously, as soon as you beat him, put on some earphones and just listen to the music that comes on during the story sequence. It's an EPIC REMIX of several FF songs, including the main theme, the Exvius battle theme and some other elements from songs like the big bridge thrown in as well. You'll only get to hear it twice (so far), and it's the best song in the game, bar none IMO. I can't get over how awesome that song is.

The other reason you'll want to get on beating Sol is because it will open up the last world in season 1, one of which is roaring volcano which you'll need to get the last raven key. Once you have that (along with ALL the other raven keys), you can start the final raven quest, which will get you the raven's cape. Stick that on Xon (ideally), Lara or your best thief, and you'll get better results (more/better ability crystals) when you do those story events like the one on now.
I have a few friends with a TT as leader and they're all over 1100 mag. Just them with my lvl 2 chaos wave mixed with their dual chaos wave after mag activation wipes the board clean. Maybe here soon I'll be able to get past some trial bosses on elite.

I already defeated Sol. Yes he was a tough one. I was caught off guard first time. :eek:

I'll need to look into the raven keys.

After them two raids and this farming crysts. I'm thinking I will need to take a couple days before I get burned out. Raids do that to me and them back to back lol

I'm gonna go farm in Alchemist Code. You play that one?

GOT HER!!! Only took one of my 4* tickets. Gold to Rainbow I held my breath and tapped kept thinking... omg! Is it...

Wow, congrats man!
I'm so jealous! I don't know if I'll ever get a CG character.
Plus right now it's the FFX banner with it and I don't really care for Tidus and I have multiple rikkus, so using tickets has a big risk.
I do have a bunch of tickets & lapis though, but I'm thinking I should save up for Seproth when he comes out so I'll have a chainer for my OK

So you beat Sol? Did you hear the song that I was talking about? It's not the boss battle music (which is good too) but the one that plays right after it when you see chaotic darkness for the first time.


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Yeah. What I said about taking a break for a couple days. Nevermind lol

I wasn't even trying for her. I just had 11 4* tickets and decided to use one to even it out. She actually benched my Aria. Aria been with me pretty much the whole time I been playing just about. Now I wish I had my pots back. I put them between Aria and my Loren. Both active at time so not a waste.

Have you seen Finas TMR? All status ailments null and few boosts on elements. Holy shit.

The only CG I will try for is Lid when she comes to global. I adore Lid.

I was hoping to see Yuna on this banner. I want her and Lulu in my collection.
Another rainbow today. Prompto. I like his TMR but seems like Ill never use him ever. These moogles are taking over though!
Man you are killing it with all those Rainbows. You do know you can fuse the moogles, right?
I've gotten a bunch of Golds over the weekend but all of them were dupes except for a Wadow.
Yeah my dryspell is officially over. My last grear run was December when I pulled Barbariccia, Veritas of Dark and 3 other great pulls can't think of in a week. Now I've pulled Dark Fina twice, Lotus Fina, Prompto, Veritas of Water. Bunch of golds. Three wadows yesterday that lonely dog lmao

Before it was nothing Guy, Zidane, Penelo, and some other useless unit. The game giveth and the game crappeth. I like reading though, on a mean level, where same whiners talk about I spent 15k lapis, 80 tickets, 4 10+1 and only got a lightning rainbow! I'm gonna stop playing.

I spend upwards to five at a time. Unless im drunk lol if nothing hits I stop. Why go through 200 pulls when getting nothing?
Have you seen the CG Veritas of Water cominh soon!?

I'd prefer light but eventually.
Aaaand just got my ass handed to me by 3* Siren :eek:

I brought her down to 42%.

Have you obtained Siren or Ifrit yet?
Yeah, I saw a youtube of of all the CGs so far. The latest ones included Folka, Sieghart and Citra (who looks HOT!!).

There are also the CGs for new espers like Anima, Phoenix, Alexander, as well as the 3* versions of ALL the current espers. 3* carbuncle is so CUTE!
Speaking of espers, I haven't tried siren but I did get 3* ifrit thanks to a Solo carry from a friend. It was a 100% evade VoF w/Fire absorption, so Ifrit literally couldn't do any damage. So all it took was just sticking it on auto, waiting for shiva to be summoned, and then just walk away. After about 20 min the battle was done with all missions complete. It's crazy what kind of units these whales have.

But for F2P like me, it's a different story. It's crazy, even with 2 weeks of double pulls, (the free summon + the daily 50%), I didn't get a single Wakka, or any of ther banner units, except for 1 Tidus. I did have 1 wakka from the last FFX event, so I've been relying on him. I literally only play the event this week and finally have over 100000 primers, but no Luna, Lulu or even seymours...
I have 3 Rikku now. 2 Tidus and 2 Seymour. I was trying for Yuna and Lulu for my collection but I'm done. I tried enough to know when to save what I left.

It is crazy indeed. Few of my friend on my list would have the newest unit(s) and already have it maxed out within 12/24 hrs. One was the E Aileen. He had her health around 7k and atk 1150. Here I am just now getting my TT at a simple 800+ mag lol

I'm preparing now for once again cryst farming! At least I can get my tech giancryst to finish enhancing my TT. After that I honestly don't know who I want to enhance.

I'm F2P too and do not macro so when it comes to enhancing and potting units I want to pick great longterm units that won't collect dust after.
I would fuse those Rikkus and try to get her TMR ASAP. It both cures and inflicts status effects, and you don't even have to be a healer to use it. It was one of those TMRs that I didn't think twice about using my moogles on. Still no Yuna, lulu, seymour. Looking to the changeover tonight and clearing the exploration so I can focus on the story event.
I would fuse those Rikkus and try to get her TMR ASAP. It both cures and inflicts status effects, and you don't even have to be a healer to use it. It was one of those TMRs that I didn't think twice about using my moogles on. Still no Yuna, lulu, seymour. Looking to the changeover tonight and clearing the exploration so I can focus on the story event.

I have roughly 280 or so worth of moogles. But isn't Rikku getting 7* treatment? That's why I am keeping them at moment cos I need to learn more about future Stmr and 7*.

Don't forget to use your petals! I don't know how long to use but I cashed mine in. Bought all the tickets plus the 5* 10%. And had left for 2 voucher tickets.
Thanks for the reminder! If you got all 162 petals, after getting all the good stuff, it comes down to either an extra rare summon, or extra 3 exp tickets + sacred crystal. It all depends on whether you value the rare summon at 500 or 250 lapis, since the exp tix are worth 300 lap. For me, I'm constantly using lapis for my equipment & material slots so I went with that.

I'm not too sure about the 7*, but I think at most you only need 2 of them IIRC, so if you have 3 I think you can at least fuse one of them. Or keep them all if you're cool with using the extra 5% moogle. Either way, I'd grab that TMR quick because it really helps in the meta & arena.