anybody here ever made a homemade/ameteur video with their gf?

Anybody ever filmed themselved on their camera phone or otherwise having sex?

I have a few videos of my girlfriend and I having sex, filmed from pov from my phone. Sometimes i watch them and jack off on days she doesn't want to have sex. She doesn't know I have them, correction, still have them.

And a big fat NO to putting them anywhere on the net.
Yes I made a shot for shot remake of Ben Hur on my camera phone in my local supermarket carpark one lazy sunday afternoon.
u recorded that shit and she didnt know?

Anybody ever filmed themselved on their camera phone or otherwise having sex?

I have a few videos of my girlfriend and I having sex, filmed from pov from my phone. Sometimes i watch them and jack off on days she doesn't want to have sex. She doesn't know I have them, correction, still have them.

And a big fat NO to putting them anywhere on the net.

There you go.

i once set up a cam corder and filmed myself masturbating

So do you watch it later on when you masturbate? :D
Yeah, a few, and she doesn't mind watching them... after the blowing scenes. I don't know why she hates them so much.
If someone does not know: everytime you have sex in a hotel, you participate in a movie whether you like it or not. Technology!
yes. we taped it and watched it immediately afterwards. then deleted it. the end.