Only when I break into someone else’s house. Sometimes I need my porn fix so bad I have to just find the closest DVD player or internet connection possible to just break the tension - which sometimes means the local electrical store. You can't be as discrete as you would like there. But as they say, "when you gotta blow, you gotta blow".
I'll give you all a piece of advice. When you’re in someone else house bring your own tissues. You don’t want to waste what little time you have trying to find the nearest bathroom because that might be upstairs and you really don’t want to start moving around like some sort of weirdo. Oh! And never enter the kitchen (before or after) the noisiest items are housed in the kitchen and you don’t want to be rooting around through all that crap trying to fix yourself a post jizz snack and then drop something, that wouldn’t be good for anyone, listen to voice of experience. Although on the plus side you are closer to the knives in the kitchen so there is some protection to be had amidst all that danger. But as I say before stay out of the kitchen all together, nothing good can come of it so just DON’T.
Just climb through the window, turn on the TV or computer making sure to either turn the speakers off if you can or hitting that mute button ASAP and get down to business. Now when you choose the internet option I would say that you really should have a website and scene in mind before you leave your own home, because you don’t want to be stuck with your cock in your hand sorting through thousands of pages of selected pornographic material, it takes forever to find something you like and it’s always in the back of your mind that there might be something better out there. It’s that kind of thinking that leads to a bad wank and a waste of your time and we don’t want to go through all these troubles for that to happen now do we? If you’re not going down the DVD player route then I advise you to carry a selection of DVDs with you at all times because some of these places just are “Porn homes” as I like to call them or the selection they have is just too hard to find.
One more thing, if you feel a sharp pain in the back of your head and you regain consciousness in hospital handcuffed to the bed. You got caught, better luck next time.
Did I mention I’m in jail right now? Hi guys :wave:
I'll give you all a piece of advice. When you’re in someone else house bring your own tissues. You don’t want to waste what little time you have trying to find the nearest bathroom because that might be upstairs and you really don’t want to start moving around like some sort of weirdo. Oh! And never enter the kitchen (before or after) the noisiest items are housed in the kitchen and you don’t want to be rooting around through all that crap trying to fix yourself a post jizz snack and then drop something, that wouldn’t be good for anyone, listen to voice of experience. Although on the plus side you are closer to the knives in the kitchen so there is some protection to be had amidst all that danger. But as I say before stay out of the kitchen all together, nothing good can come of it so just DON’T.
Just climb through the window, turn on the TV or computer making sure to either turn the speakers off if you can or hitting that mute button ASAP and get down to business. Now when you choose the internet option I would say that you really should have a website and scene in mind before you leave your own home, because you don’t want to be stuck with your cock in your hand sorting through thousands of pages of selected pornographic material, it takes forever to find something you like and it’s always in the back of your mind that there might be something better out there. It’s that kind of thinking that leads to a bad wank and a waste of your time and we don’t want to go through all these troubles for that to happen now do we? If you’re not going down the DVD player route then I advise you to carry a selection of DVDs with you at all times because some of these places just are “Porn homes” as I like to call them or the selection they have is just too hard to find.
One more thing, if you feel a sharp pain in the back of your head and you regain consciousness in hospital handcuffed to the bed. You got caught, better luck next time.
Did I mention I’m in jail right now? Hi guys :wave: