any old-school peeps remember mtv??

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
You know what I grew up watching M.T.V. for you stone aged people or older folks who wouldn't have been interested or watched this channel when it was born and don't know or never heard of MTV; it is a channel that was born when cable tv first became popular and it stood for MUSIC TELEVISION and they would show MUSIC VIDEO'S 24 hrs a day 365 days a year!! for a long time!!

then over the years they started slowly but surely experimenting by adding mtv produced non-musical entertainment shows such as: cartoons; reality; teenage soap opera type programming and eventually mtv was mostly alternative programs and they hardly ever broadcast MUSIC VIDEO'S ANY LONGER and then mtv realized that MUSIC VIDEO'S were still in popular demand so they created MTV 2 which would broadcast music video's 24hrs/7days/week/365days of the year!! while the original mtv showed mostly alternative programming...

then after mtv 2 was playing constant music for years they slowly started to feature the same type of programming as mtv; yet again slowly but surely now both mtv and mtv 2 were both all BS programming that I can't stand and never watch; now for many years now; they only air MUSIC VIDEO'S btwn the hours of 4am to 9am if your lucky!! and I hate that channel now!! do all the original viewers or teenagers of present actually watch that garbage?? or would they prefer to watch MUSIC VIDEO'S like me an original MTV viewer??

with all the programming on tv why does mtv try to tap into soaps; reality; dating; comedy; cartoons; when their are other channels to accomadate those genre's of entertainment?? I want my MTV back I tried to write to MTV to complain and they didn't even have one single feedback link or phone # to call to xpress my feelings!! I was pissed; and still am!! anybody who is familiar with MTV would you rather watch MUSIC VIDEO'S OR THIS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMMING THEY BROADCAST NOWADAY'S?? I wanna know or get a guestimate of the %tage of people who are with me or against me on this issue?? later...

I definitely agree with you. MTV should get back to airing more videos. I hate the shit they have on now. Thank God Youtube came along so I can watch music videos!
MTV and ESPN both have become both very un-whatever they were. No music on MTV and no sports on ESPN. Gotta find other alternatives.
More videos, less bullshit.
Go back to your roots, MTV. It will make many people very happy!
VH1 classics is the only good music channel


then over the years they started slowly but surely experimenting by adding mtv produced non-musical entertainment shows such as: cartoons; reality; teenage soap opera type programming and eventually mtv was mostly alternative programs and they hardly ever broadcast MUSIC VIDEO'S ANY LONGER

Boooooooo ! I hate all of this crap ! They should've split it MTV channel 1 & 2.
One for music videos only, the other for drama bullshit.

I never really did lush out on it when it was music, but it was cool, nevertheless.

In it's current form, I wouldn't allow junior to watch it after school, it's a bit risque for young teens, IMO.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Its complete shit now! It was good when it first started, all videos all the time. Now its a bullshit all the time.
I remember Mtv from back in the late 80's / early 90's...and it was great. Ton's of videos, the hosts were goofy, but fun to watch. Back then the only real non-music programming you had was the game show "Remote Control" which had Kari Whurer and Colin Quin. Even their little shows like Club Mtv with Downtown Julie Brown, or Yo Mtv Raps still had music and videos.

The first season of the Real World was the the downfall of Mtv...and now it's what you see today. No videos...not the Mtv I used to enjoy.
I liked Beavis and Butthead too! Now it's just constant dribble with a few videos every now and again...
Back in the day I thought Beavis and Butthead was the funniest thing ever. Now when I watch those old episodes, most of them don't seem that funny.


Hiliary 2020
I remember when it started, Pete Townshend and Sting used to say, "I want my Mtvaaay"
Its actually sucked now since about 1997. Its controlled by suits.
MTV- ("empty tv")- just like about everything now- all style zero substance.
music in general has gone that route.