Anti Virus Revised question

This AVG seems to come up a winner, but it's 55 dollars a year! Is there an anti virus I can buy at Wal Mart or such from 30 to 50 dollars that includes life long upgrades.
My verizon Norton is being dropped Dec 8th (another cutback in service) so I am doing my research now. Brother bought Norton and he hates it. Thanks in advance, Garrisonjj
I said on the other forum, all the antivirus programs are as good as their last update.However good a program may be if a new virus isn't in the definitions file it will manage to infect your computer.
I used AVG free without infection for some years but also never used IE because most viruses are targetted at its vulnerabilities.One thing it did do was to update the definition file at least every day which is good. I'm now using Webroot simply because it came preloaded on my computer with Spysweeper.So far so good.


Get a Mac ! Seriously, I beat the shit out of this thing and click milllions of links . . . never had a virus ever ! I'm surpassing 3 years with my current unit. There's no anti virus software to buy.

Also, Firefox 3 is the way to go ! :thumbsup:
AVG free is fantastic. I would never buy Norton or McAfee again, both rubbish IMO.
Just download the free AVG, not the one where you have to pay.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Avast! is another option for free, which is what I've used for a year or so. Hasn't let me down yet and is what I generally refer anybody who asks me about this sort of thing to, though I didn't realize AVG had free protection as well.
I started with AVG's free product, liked it, decided to support them. I think I paid $39.99 4 months ago for a year's protection. I didn't like how Norton "auto-billed" me and they didn't bother letting me know. They just zapped my creditcard and my credit card statement had a strange company name so I thought I was a victim of identity theft. I had to call them 3 times and then enter into a "chat" with some Norton schmoe before they even acknowledged that they auto-billed me.

Norton's shitty customer service drove me out of their "nest" forever....

You can start with AVG's free product and then wait around for an upgrade sale. I don't think anyone gives you lifetime support anymore...
Avast! is another option for free, which is what I've used for a year or so. Hasn't let me down yet and is what I generally refer anybody who asks me about this sort of thing to, though I didn't realize AVG had free protection as well.

Yep, I agree! I mentioned it in Garrisons other anti virus thread.

I think you pay for AVG in the end.
AVG Free is what i use and i recommend it

Sorry to (yell) but AVG is not that good of an option any more. Not saying its bad but there is better out there. Here is how it goes:

Free Software:

Antivirus: (in order)

Avira (only problem with this AV is that it is "nagware." Basically it asks you to purchase it when you update it. However it is a great scanner.


SpyBot Search and Destroy= okay @ best.....
Ad-Aware=see above


F-Secure Blacklight
Panda AntiRootkit
RootKit Revealer


Comodo (lovely)

So here is the layout for layered computer security:

Web Browser: FireFox with NoScript extension OR Opera
AntiVirus: Avira
AnitSpyware: SuperAntiSpyware
Firewall: Comodo or ZoneAlarm (I am a ZA user however Comodo freakin rocks)
Operating System: Any choice has vunerabilities, however Linux and Mac OS' tend to have fewer known issues. BUT the key to preventing issues is to reguraly update EVERYthing.
RootKit Scanners: Not needed, BUT its nice to scan every so often.

Now there is some better all in one PAID options but they are not really needed if you can remember to manually scan once a week.

PS: As for AV reviews:
Anyone got a good link for a free version of MalwareBytes? Had it on my old laptop, it seemed really good. :wave2:
This AVG seems to come up a winner, but it's 55 dollars a year! Is there an anti virus I can buy at Wal Mart or such from 30 to 50 dollars that includes life long upgrades.
My verizon Norton is being dropped Dec 8th (another cutback in service) so I am doing my research now. Brother bought Norton and he hates it. Thanks in advance, Garrisonjj

I bought avg for 40 bucks at wal mart. 2 year protection and very simple to use. Thanks guys and gals for your advice