

knows petras secret: she farted.
oh just take em. it'll be fun to watch.

bannings, in-thread crying, racist remarks, who knows. it'll be like a potluck.
Unfortunately a lot of the advice people give doesn't help. I've been suffering with depression for a few years, and I haven’t found anything to help me yet. Having friends, changing diet, exercise, thinking positive. Sometimes it just doesn't work. For me, I feel numb most of the time, the rest of the time I feel miserable. I have no interest in just about anything, even going out and doing things with my friends that are supposed to be fun isn't even though I know it should be, I over think constantly, makes it hard to sleep, and it takes a physical toll, feeling tired and sore all the time. I deal with it by covering it up the best I can, some days it's easier than others, but that's not really a solution, just a mask so no one has to see it. I've never tried meds, I had a cousin who died because of them so that kind of turned me off to them. But I know exactly how you feel. My friends and family see how I've changed, but they don't know how to help me, they can't really. Nikki, I hope you find the thing that works for you.
My final word in this thread.....

Get off the internet. Well, not so much the internet in general, but avoid all "forums". It's all bullshit. As Obi Wan warned Luke upon entering Mos Eisley spaceport: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
oh just take em. it'll be fun to watch.

bannings, in-thread crying, racist remarks, who knows. it'll be like a potluck.

I've never needed meds to do any of that...

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Nikki, this might be a stretch but.... have you considered altering your life / surroundings? Do you live in a hectic, anti-social big city? Do you hate your job?

What I'm getting at is, perhaps a do-over. You know, you and your BF move out to the country, or up int the mountains. Get away from the every day RAT RACE. Eat organic, less meat, more fish and veggies. Lay off the sugars like twinkies, junk food, etc.

Today's doctors seem to take the easy way out, and the first thing they want to do is prescribe a drug that our bodies were never intended to have in our systems.

I hope for the best for you. Good luck. :)

I've never heard of an anti social big city.. and if anything the country life would make me really crazy! I am a city girl through an through. As for food, I can't really afford to eat "organic" right now but I do eat healthy (except for like the 2 days before it's "that time of the month" lol) I hate twinkies but even if I liked em, you can't buy them anymore lol

Sunlight is also the main way we can get Vitamin D, not only does lack of Vitamin D weaken our bones but also worsens chronic pain so many people feel more pain and misery in the winter months or anytime if their lack of sunlight exposures lowers their vitamin D levels, feeling weaker or in pain naturally makes us feel more depressed. I've started taking Vitamin D supplements recently (my levels were low) as we haven't been getting much sun in England the past few years and I realised the hours when the sun is out I'm working indoors, many doctors recommend holidays in hot countries to people suffering from bone or pain disorders.

I believe there is actually a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder where certain people get really depressed during the winter months and without sunlight.. I drink a TON of milk.. Like probably 2 glasses a day and I have a park across the street so I try to get at least an hour outside every day..

Unfortunately a lot of the advice people give doesn't help. I've been suffering with depression for a few years, and I haven’t found anything to help me yet. Having friends, changing diet, exercise, thinking positive. Sometimes it just doesn't work. For me, I feel numb most of the time, the rest of the time I feel miserable. I have no interest in just about anything, even going out and doing things with my friends that are supposed to be fun isn't even though I know it should be, I over think constantly, makes it hard to sleep, and it takes a physical toll, feeling tired and sore all the time. I deal with it by covering it up the best I can, some days it's easier than others, but that's not really a solution, just a mask so no one has to see it. I've never tried meds, I had a cousin who died because of them so that kind of turned me off to them. But I know exactly how you feel. My friends and family see how I've changed, but they don't know how to help me, they can't really. Nikki, I hope you find the thing that works for you.

Thank you, I'm actually really skeptical about taking them.. I hate taking pills, it's how my mom died.. I think I might wait until I have insurance and can be seen by an actual psychiatrist rather than just a general doctor..

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I've never heard of an anti social big city.. and if anything the country life would make me really crazy! I am a city girl through an through.

Feels odd that I can relate to anything that Fisher has to say. But this, I can. What he's talking about is that there can be times when you're surrounded by millions of people in a big city, but you may find yourself feeling very lonely and isolated... within yourself - because you've lost a sense of who you are (or used to be). Being around lots of people (most of whom are strangers) can make that worse sometimes. You can have more money and possessions that you ever imagined - but you find yourself more miserable inside than you've ever been. And by removing yourself from that environment and Going Up the Country, you might "find" yourself again. I think the hippies used to call it "going underground", "getting some heavy rest" or "finding your head." But if you're used to big cities and like them, then that probably wouldn't be what you're looking for.

I have no advice for you because every person's situation is unique. But I do wish you the very best of luck in getting this sorted out. Maybe meds would help. And maybe it would be a combination of meds and joining some sort of support group. Even if you have a chemical imbalance, your spirit also plays a part in your recovery, I would reckon. So no advice, but I would caution against thinking that magic pills (alone) are the answer. Hang tough. :thumbsup:

Hell, I just (sorta, kinda) agreed with Fisher. That alone should bring a smile to your face. Either that or it's making you think that I might need a shrink too.
I think I might wait until I have insurance and can be seen by an actual psychiatrist rather than just a general doctor..

Told ya so. And you thought I was full of shit... :tongue:
Thank you, I'm actually really skeptical about taking them.. I hate taking pills, it's how my mom died.. I think I might wait until I have insurance and can be seen by an actual psychiatrist rather than just a general doctor..

That seems like the best way to do it, especially if you're going to try meds. I hope you find a good one. I offer my ear if you ever feel like talking, but I'm sure you have lots of people who you could go to for that. It's just the only way I know how to help, I hate knowing people feel as bad as I do.
If you want to get freaked out about taking these meds watch Dr. Daniel Amen on Youtube. It's not that the meds are bad per se it's just that most doctors prescribing them do so without having any real data about the patient's condition.

For example 'depression' can be caused by lots of things, poor thyroid function, poor adrenal function, low vitamin D, the list goes on. Go to a shrink and they'll put you on antidepressants first and tell you they affect everyone differently so it may take a while to find the right one and dosage for you.

Of course he's controversial among the medical community but claims an 85% improvement rate. I think that is pretty good for 'brain' stuff.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
That seems like the best way to do it, especially if you're going to try meds. I hope you find a good one. I offer my ear if you ever feel like talking, but I'm sure you have lots of people who you could go to for that. It's just the only way I know how to help, I hate knowing people feel as bad as I do.

Hey I know why you are in this thread HUGETITlover!! Leave my Nikki alone!
