You stay classy!
L lurkingdirk Mar 4, 2010 #1 You stay classy! Attachments funny-bikini-pics0.jpg 48.4 KB · Views: 154
Wolfmister Mar 4, 2010 #3 the guy's daughter is scared shitless while he takes pictures with his phone nice one
~~whimsy~~ Mar 4, 2010 #4 No. No. Don't be scared, honey. You need to learn these here moves if you wants to get to cawledge!
StanScratch My Penis Is Dancing! Mar 4, 2010 #5 "See, honey? If you eat your veggies every day, you can grow up to be just like her. Now, babe, move your panties over a bit so I can get this shot..."
"See, honey? If you eat your veggies every day, you can grow up to be just like her. Now, babe, move your panties over a bit so I can get this shot..."