Intelligence is overrated anyway. The dinosaurs survived for about 100 millions years & they were thick as pig shit!
No ... dinosaurs came along for the ride with Noah 4354 years ago.
He dun rounded them up like cattle and put 'em in the Ark.
They aren't around now because they all probably died out or were killed as "dragons". (or people ate them in dino-burgers)
(There were only (exactly) 1,000 kinds of dinosaurs that came along in the Ark, so if you find more - they're either fake or were the ones that died out in the flood)
(The Ark was about 450 feet long and 75 feet wide - Argentinosaurus was more than 120 feet long - so that is how we know Noah transported baby ones.)
Clear now?
Anyway, that was the conclusion at the Creationism Mega-Conference in Lynchburg, Virginia - July 2005:
I'll let the experts explain it...
If you are still lacking in faith and need a counter argument, here's a "Science Guy's" attempt to challenge these infallible conclusions:
As for if animals have morality, the conference provided insight on this as well.
"If evolution is true, said Philip Bell in his talk, ... we are descended from ape-like animals with no morality, no aesthetic sensibility and no soul ...
Furthermore, if evolution were true, it could even lead to pornography.
"the root of the creationist argument is the concern that evolution undermines moral beliefs, leading to lawlessness, family breakdown, ... pornography...."
Thank God that hasn't happened...