Animals can tell right from wrong

That depends on how you define intelligence. Mankind has wiped out entire species, faught wars over stupid trivial things (and continues to do so) and kills it's own kind not to mention the planet it inhabits. Doesn't sound too intelligent to me ;)

Ironically all of circumstances you cite prove intelligence. Examples of ethics, morality and retribution demonstrate mans intelligence.
Intelligence is overrated anyway. The dinosaurs survived for about 100 millions years & they were thick as pig shit! :D

Well, I could be wrong but I think "us" humans got a pretty good deal on the intelligence thing.:dunno:


I believe by faith. It's my choice just like it's your choice to believe what scientist say.

Actually, I believe what scientists PROVE. Sadly, you can never say the same about your beliefs.

Quick question, and I'm seriously curious, when did you become religious? Was it because you were brought up with it around you as a child and continued to follow it, or did you make a concious decision when you were older?
Ironically all of circumstances you cite prove intelligence. Examples of ethics, morality and retribution demonstrate mans intelligence.

That depends on how you define intelligence. Mankind has wiped out entire species, faught wars over stupid trivial things (and continues to do so) and kills it's own kind not to mention the planet it inhabits. Doesn't sound too intelligent to me ;)

Intellectual capacity and practical knowledge/wisdom aren't the same thing. Neither is intelligence and sanity.

Humans evolved symbolic thinking to give them a survival advantage. Today we have advanced to the point where we no longer need to exhibit what I like to call primate psychology as a basis for survival and we can use our intelligence for more advanced means- but we usually don't.

The problem is that people for the most part have developed a mental pathology where they can longer differentiate between outside experience and the philosophical constructs of their mind.

For example nearly every member of the human race devotes the majority of their time to an imaginary thing called money- which thanks to the invention of digital credit doesn't even exist as a physical token representation anymore.
For example nearly every member of the human race devotes the majority of their time to an imaginary thing called money- which thanks to the invention of digital credit doesn't even exist as a physical token representation anymore.

I don't know about all of the other stuff you mention but money does exist and really is exchanged for other goods and services. Just because the transfer of it has been made more efficient to the degree that we don't have to physically see it doesn't mean it's imaginary.

Imaginary means something exists solely in one's mind.
Pyrenees are unusually intelligent dogs.

Maybe if animals had grasping hands they would have fashioned things. Not all people are intelligent. Only 2% of the pop has an IQ over 120.

I remember watching a doccie about a lioness being returned to the wild. Years later, the family returned to find him. The lioness did show up. What interested me is her mate also padded up close to her. He made a low growling sound, just for a second. The lioness looked at the humans a moment more, then turned around to follow her mate.

There are so many stories of animals in the wild. Animals that can steal food out if a cooking pot, dogs that find their way home through great distances. The hierarchical order they have.

One animal even gave a correct answer to a question about the atomic structure of sodium hydroxide.

Just kidding. :D

was that about the two men who adopted the lion but realised it was just too big to live with them so they realised it back into the wild? only years later to come back to see if there beloved pet was still well and to see if it still remembered its only owners, and sure enough it did.

that story was amazing.
I think it's funny that people think animals are so dumb, yet there are many animals that can learn to understand English, but Dr. Dolittle is the only one that can understand what animals are saying, so who is the dumb one?
Intelligence is overrated anyway. The dinosaurs survived for about 100 millions years & they were thick as pig shit! :D

No ... dinosaurs came along for the ride with Noah 4354 years ago.
He dun rounded them up like cattle and put 'em in the Ark.

They aren't around now because they all probably died out or were killed as "dragons". (or people ate them in dino-burgers)

(There were only (exactly) 1,000 kinds of dinosaurs that came along in the Ark, so if you find more - they're either fake or were the ones that died out in the flood)

(The Ark was about 450 feet long and 75 feet wide - Argentinosaurus was more than 120 feet long - so that is how we know Noah transported baby ones.)

Clear now?

Anyway, that was the conclusion at the Creationism Mega-Conference in Lynchburg, Virginia - July 2005:

I'll let the experts explain it...

If you are still lacking in faith and need a counter argument, here's a "Science Guy's" attempt to challenge these infallible conclusions:

As for if animals have morality, the conference provided insight on this as well.

"If evolution is true, said Philip Bell in his talk, ... we are descended from ape-like animals with no morality, no aesthetic sensibility and no soul ...


Furthermore, if evolution were true, it could even lead to pornography.

"the root of the creationist argument is the concern that evolution undermines moral beliefs, leading to lawlessness, family breakdown, ... pornography...."

Thank God that hasn't happened...
Just remember, this is not proof. It is theory. So base no conclusions on it.

I think, however, it'll remain a sort of.... a science of wishful thinking. Like parasychology. Finding proof in the coincidences.