Raven-black hair has improved her sexual appeal even further!
(well, she is the best already anyway!)

What next?
1. Finally finish waist tattoo!
2. More extreme tan!
3. Some intimate piercings
(her pussy is so stretched out already due to her intense fucking - it looks so "fuck me"! Some piercings regular (labia) or special (princess albertina, isabella) surely would support this call! Would perfectly coincide with her tattoos btw!)

4. FINALLY: More anal, of course!
She's so damn hot, but I'm not a big fan of her new tit job. But her throat skins are insane.
Damn I think she is hot but those tits are fucked up. I keep hoping they just need time to heal but everytime i see them they look like she got them done at a butcher shop. Wish she would spend the money and get them fixed.
^^ Angelina's lips are so amazing.. And that last pic!! Holy shit.. Best beat off pornstar ever!
Anybody heard as to why she had to have the surgery that is used for women looking for breast size reduction? Her previous implant work was always a little "wonky" looking. They were bottom heavy and slightly irregular in shape. These new ones while much more round and symetrical, god are they scarred the fuck up. The very definition of "frankentits".
Must have been a pretty serious reason to change the old breast job if this is the only outcome possible aesthetically speaking.
The duck lips gotta go too. She at times looks as bad as those trannys she fucks.
I miss the Angelina from "Whos that Girl 9" and "Full Streams Ahead".
It's just an opinion, take it for what it's worth...

I really love the look she has now! I thin she is one of my very favs. Her new tits was awesome but it seems for correcting the problems of her previous implants the doctor has done a difficult work with more scars than normal. I'm sure that with time they'll disappear.