Andrew McCabe fired hours before retirement

Attorney General Sessions fires FBI's Andrew McCabe, who was slated to retire on Sunday

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced he has fired former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.
The news comes two days before McCabe was slated to retire — and become eligible for full pension benefits.
Sessions said reports from both the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General and the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility concluded that McCabe had made "an unauthorized disclosure to the news media" and "lacked candor — including under oath — on multiple occasions."
McCabe said in a statement that the investigation by the Justice Department "has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility," which he characterized as resulting in articles leveling "every sort of false, defamatory and degrading allegation" against him and his family.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has fired former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe two days before he was slated to retire — and become eligible for full pension benefits.

In a statement, Sessions said reports from both the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General and the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility concluded that McCabe had made "an unauthorized disclosure to the news media" and "lacked candor — including under oath — on multiple occasions."
McCabe, who had been the deputy director of the FBI, took over the agency on an interim basis after President Donald Trump fired James Comey last year, but stepped down in January.

McCabe told the New York Times, "The idea that I was dishonest is just wrong," and suggested that "this is part of an effort to discredit me as a witness."
McCabe is a potential witness in the FBI investigation into Trump's alleged ties to Russia, and could corroborate former FBI Director Comey's potential testimony. Although he had already announced his retirement, his firing places his federal pension at risk.

In December, Trump had referenced that pension issue in a Twitter post, saying that McCabe was "racing the clock to retire with full benefits."
In a tweet on Friday night, Trump said that the firing was a "great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI."

Trump and some Republicans in Congress have accused McCabe of political bias, citing his role at the FBI during investigations related to Hillary Clinton and Trump. They question his role in the Clinton email probe and the investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election and whether the Trump campaign coordinated with the Kremlin.
The president had thrown jabs at McCabe in a manner unusual for a president and a top FBI official. Trump repeatedly accused McCabe of improper ties to Clinton because former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe — a Clinton ally — backed McCabe's wife's run for a state office in 2015. The Wall Street Journal reported in October 2016 that McAuliffe's political organization gave nearly $500,000 to Jill McCabe's campaign for state Senate.

The FBI had said McCabe followed the proper steps to avoid conflicts of interest. His wife's run for office also started months before he had any role in the Clinton probe.

McCabe released a statement on his firing. Here's what he wrote:
I have been an FBI Special Agent for over 21 years. I spent half of that time investigating Russian Organized Crime as a street agent and Supervisor in New York City. I have spent the second half of my career focusing on national security issues and protecting this country from terrorism. I served in some of the most challenging, demanding investigative and leadership roles in the FBI. And I was privileged to serve as Deputy Director during a particularly tough time.

For the last year and a half, my family and I have been the targets of an unrelenting assault on our reputation and my service to this country. Articles too numerous to count have leveled every sort of false, defamatory and degrading allegation against us. The President's tweets have amplified and exacerbated it all. He called for my firing. He called for me to be stripped of my pension after more than 20 years of service. And all along we have said nothing, never wanting to distract from the mission of the FBI by addressing the lies told and repeated about us.

No more.

The investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility. The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI's involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

The OIG investigation has focused on information I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor. As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter. It was the type of exchange with the media that the Deputy Director oversees several times per week. In fact, it was the same type of work that I continued to do under Director Wray, at his request. The investigation subsequently focused on who I talked to, when I talked to them, and so forth. During these inquiries, I answered questions truthfully and as accurately as I could amidst the chaos that surrounded me. And when I thought my answers were misunderstood, I contacted investigators to correct them.

But looking at that in isolation completely misses the big picture. The big picture is a tale of what can happen when law enforcement is politicized, public servants are attacked, and people who are supposed to cherish and protect our institutions become instruments for damaging those institutions and people.

Here is the reality: I am being singled out and treated this way because of the role I played, the actions I took, and the events I witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of James Comey. The release of this report was accelerated only after my testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed that I would corroborate former Director Comey's accounts of his discussions with the President. The OIG's focus on me and this report became a part of an unprecedented effort by the Administration, driven by the President himself, to remove me from my position, destroy my reputation, and possibly strip me of a pension that I worked 21 years to earn. The accelerated release of the report, and the punitive actions taken in response, make sense only when viewed through this lens. Thursday's comments from the White House are just the latest example of this.

This attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally. It is part of this Administration's ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel's work.

I have always prided myself on serving my country with distinction and integrity, and I always encouraged those around me to do the same. Just ask them. To have my career end in this way, and to be accused of lacking candor when at worst I was distracted in the midst of chaotic events, is incredibly disappointing and unfair. But it will not erase the important work I was privileged to be a part of, the results of which will in the end be revealed for the country to see.

I have unfailing faith in the men and women of the FBI and I am confident that their efforts to seek justice will not be deterred.

As a matter of facts, firing MCabe has nothing to do with depriving him of his full-pension retirement or his role in the Clinton investigation.
McCabe has been fired so that, in case he has to testify in the Russia investigation, Trump and his minion could pretend his testomony isn't trustworthy. That's it, it's the most political firing ever
The FBI has fired 19 others of in the past year alone for "lacking candor" and they weren't even under oath like McCabe was.

losing his pension is the least of his worries right now. Lock these motherfuckers up.
Seems like the Right is big on jailing political opponents, whhich is typicaly a authoritarian dictator move.

Unlike with the Trump/Russia collusion probe, it would have to be established that a crime has occurred (lying under oath) and the accused gets their day in court.

but yeah, lock them the fuck up.

Will E Worm

Anyone believe he will not be getting his full benefits?

Andrew McCabe Net Worth is $11 Million dollars and earns an annual Income of $1 Million dollars.

Andrew McCabe Net Worth $11 Million USD
Salary from Employment $180,000 USD
Annual Income $ 1.4 Million USD
Four Luxury Cars $900,000 USD
Two Houses $3 Million USD

Why are these people making so much money off the backs of tax payers?

Another reason to cut taxes and shrink the government.
Anyone believe he will not be getting his full benefits?

Andrew McCabe Net Worth is $11 Million dollars and earns an annual Income of $1 Million dollars.

Andrew McCabe Net Worth $11 Million USD
Salary from Employment $180,000 USD
Annual Income $ 1.4 Million USD
Four Luxury Cars $900,000 USD
Two Houses $3 Million USD

Why are these people making so much money off the backs of tax payers?

Another reason to cut taxes and shrink the government.

yeah, no shit. His pension loss amounts to a little over a million dollars.
Not only that, but they try and keep these salaries undisclosed to the American taxpayer. What I want to know is why does the deputy director of the FBI earn over twice the salary of the president of the United States? I am ready to have a civil war just over shit like this. We gotta clean house with these cotdam ruling class scum.

Edit: I misread his FBI salary. 180,000.

Where is the other income coming from?
Why are these people making so much money off the backs of tax payers?

Trump fans logic :
High-ranked official makes a lot of money : OUTRAGEOUS
Billionaire pays no federal taxes : GENIUS
Trump fans logic :
High-ranked official makes a lot of money : OUTRAGEOUS
Billionaire pays no federal taxes : GENIUS

Actually Trump does pay taxes.

We have yet to see Obama’s college transcripts speaking of things not released.

High ranking official becoming a multi-millionaire on the taxpayer dime: OUTRAGEOUS

Billionaire making a fortune in the private sector and taking advantage of tax law : GENIUS
Actually Trump does pay taxes.

We have yet to see Obama’s college transcripts speaking of things not released.
Then, since Presidents college transcripts are now a thing, I wanna see Trump's college transcripts. He likes to brag abput the "best words" he go from the ivy league university he went to so I wanna see the transcripts from that ivy league university.

High ranking official becoming a multi-millionaire on the taxpayer dime: OUTRAGEOUS

Billionaire making a fortune in the private sector and taking advantage of tax law : GENIUS

High ranking official is highly paid for being in charge of the security of millions of Americans : OUTRAGEOUS
Billionaire contributes to troops, vets, schools, infastructures, etc = 0 : GENIUS

What you call "taking advantage of tax laws" is, in reality screwing the entire american people. But screwing everyone he could is how Trump made most of his fortune...
Then, since Presidents college transcripts are now a thing, I wanna see Trump's college transcripts. He likes to brag abput the "best words" he go from the ivy league university he went to so I wanna see the transcripts from that ivy league university.

High ranking official is highly paid for being in charge of the security of millions of Americans : OUTRAGEOUS
Billionaire contributes to troops, vets, schools, infastructures, etc = 0 : GENIUS

What you call "taking advantage of tax laws" is, in reality screwing the entire american people. But screwing everyone he could is how Trump made most of his fortune...

You are not an American citizen. You don’t get to demand shit.

I think Trump’s academic records are available. The reason his are not sealed away is because he didn’t claim a different country of origin or other things that helped him cut in line during his college years.

Taking advantage of tax law is taking advantage of tax law. No one is being screwed over, it’s the law.

People that take advantage of our tax laws to their benefit generally are job creators.

Mind your own fucked up tax code.
Taking advantage of tax law is taking advantage of tax law. No one is being screwed over, it’s the law.
People that take advantage of our tax laws to their benefit generally are job creators.

Yeah, it's the law. But it's still screwing people.
Billionaires can afford to hire dozens of lawyers and accountants to take advantage of tax laws, average people cannot. That is how billionaires end up paying a smaller share of their of their revenues in taxes than average people do. And that is fucked up, that is screwing average people because tax-payers money goes to things that benefits mostly to average people : public schools, public hospitals, public transportations, etc.

You say they created jobs and that's true. But your forgot to mention a big chunck of these jobs they created aren't american jobs.

And actually, only a small percentage of jobs are in big corporations owned by billionaires. Most jobs are small businesses jobs, created by average people who pay their fair share of taxes.
Yeah, it's the law. But it's still screwing people.
Billionaires can afford to hire dozens of lawyers and accountants to take advantage of tax laws, average people cannot. That is how billionaires end up paying a smaller share of their of their revenues in taxes than average people do. And that is fucked up, that is screwing average people because tax-payers money goes to things that benefits mostly to average people : public schools, public hospitals, public transportations, etc.

You say they created jobs and that's true. But your forgot to mention a big chunck of these jobs they created aren't american jobs.

And actually, only a small percentage of jobs are in big corporations owned by billionaires. Most jobs are small businesses jobs, created by average people who pay their fair share of taxes.
The majority of corporations are not owned by billionaires. They are owned by stockholders. Average people.