VERY WELL SAID, mcrocket.
And no, you didn't offend me.
Believe it or not, I'm not very easily offended. IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY, and IMMATURITY offends me... not differences in opinion or beliefs.
While we may disagree as to the merits of JFK's inaugural speech quote I posted early this morning, I have to say you just nailed the very reason why I feel that the United States has become the world's police force... for lack of a better phrase... and why we need a more confident/intelligent leader to bring us back to our original focus. Would I want to see a military leader? Hard to say... especially since the days of innocence and 'Camelot' are long passed. The only military leader I could ever imagine serving as a U.S. President would have to be Norman Schwarzkopf, General (Ret.) U.S. Army... and even then I would have very severe doubts and hesitations regarding his ability to effectively govern these United States.
While I was fortunate enough to have superiors and commanding officers who believed in a certain code of conduct and ethics, I have witnessed the "lamb being led to the slaughter" syndrome you say eloquently described.
In my eyes, there is no room for such blind and unquestioning devotion in the military. Many of the world's great military leaders (i.e, General George S. Patton, General Douglas MacArthur, etc.) suffered from an almost "god-like" complex and ego... again, in my humble opinion...
Taken out of context, that quote does seem to behold a certain foreboding when it comes to military might and power. But... in its entirety, that speech is one of the most eloquent and realistic inaugural addresses I have ever read, listened to, or witnessed. While JFK certainly had his faults, I still count him among some of the bravest and most patriotic men in this country.
So... let's talk some more about quotes, shall we? Enough of politics!