An Unstable Limbaugh Blames Obama for Ft. Hood Shootings

Limbaugh needs to stop mass consuming the Oxycontin because they're affecting his ability to be credible and objective

Submitted by jmeasley on Mon, 11/09/2009

On his radio show today Rush Limbaugh blamed the Ft. Hood shooting where 13 soldiers were killed on President Obama. Limbaugh said, “We could almost say this is Obama’s fault, because this guy said that he believed Obama was going to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Here is the audio:

Limbaugh said, “I am sure they’re not going to call this hate crime. I’m sure this man’s inner feelings are going to be probed regarding the Bush/Cheney war. You wait, but let’s not forget this man had no problem with killing people, zilch. This guy’s not a pacifist. This guy is not a coconscious objector. He didn’t like Americans in Afghanistan or Iraq, and by the way, playing the game the way the media and the Democrats do, we can almost say that this is Obama’s fault, because this guy said that he believed that Obama was going to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama hasn’t done it, and that’s one of the reasons why the guy cracked.”

According to Rush, it is Obama’s fault that a mentally unstable man shot 43 people last week. It is pretty safe to say that his upcoming deployment was not the only reason why this man decided to go on a shooting. However, Limbaugh’s Obama paranoia knows no boundaries. It is only a matter of time before Limbaugh starts blaming Obama for the weather.

Limbaugh’s act would be funny, if it wasn’t so sad that millions of people listen to this guy. The whole idea that everything bad that happens in the world is Obama’s fault is getting tedious. The Ft. Hood shooting is no more Obama’s fault, then the Virginia Tech shooting was Bush’s fault. It may be difficult for Limbaugh to understand this, but not all people act with a political motive in mind. Once again, Rush tries to capitalize on a tragedy by blaming Obama.

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As far as I know, Limbaugh has no children - and I'm eternally grateful for that.

I hope he never does have any children (beyond his loyal "dittohead" listeners).
As far as I know, Limbaugh has no children - and I'm eternally grateful for that.

I hope he never does have any children (beyond his loyal "dittohead" listeners).

I would much prefer this angular thinker have hatched a couple offspring who have a chance of rejecting his nonsense at some point in their lives than spawn the millions of mindless children who sop up his gibberish daily for life.:1orglaugh

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I guess what's even sadder is that there are millions in the U.S. who hang onto his every word and Boss Limbaugh does their thinking for them.

Whether a person likes Obama or not, whether a person agrees with anything he does or not, that is just a really sad indication of Rush Limbaugh's lack of intelligence... or maybe his lack of sanity.
Funnier still....the joker is blaming an effect and not a cause. That is, why is Obama to blame but not ultimately GWB when it was GWB and not Obama who made the decision to send them there in the first place?

Would be interesting to hear his gymnastics in trying to be intellectual about that miss...:1orglaugh
Funnier still....the joker is blaming an effect and not a cause. That is, why is Obama to blame but not ultimately GWB when it was GWB and not Obama made the decision to send them there in the first place?

Would be interesting to hear his gymnastics in trying to intellectual about that miss...:1orglaugh

That's the reality of all this BS. The ex powers that be are still in the limelight blaming the current President for the massive cockups they created.
But of course, if George W. Bush were still president, I could bet all the porn in my PC that he would be blamed by the left. No one is to blame but whoever committed the act.
But of course, if George W. Bush were still president, I could bet all the porn in my PC that he would be blamed by the left. No one is to blame but whoever committed the act.

Really? Well unfortunately for you...we have a similar situation in which to compare (or contrast) where NO ONE on the "left" blamed GWB when it happened.

In 2003 a Muslim Sgt. fragged his fellow soldiers in Kuwait. Who was idiot enough on the "left" to suggest GWB was responsible for that??
No. The government just dropped the ball again of preventing disaster from striking. Who is to blame, ultimately? Which organization of the government? Who knows. :dunno:

However, it seems we are all sitting ducks because of fear of entering into Mosques, investigating Muslims, and preventing any of this from happening. Despite knowing what they knew about this guy and once again, another Islamic terror attack, this time on a military base within our country happened. They know who are potential Islamic extremists, who preach it, and who wants to see this country and the citizens within it be destroyed. Whether they support it, preach it, or plan to carry it out, detain them!

Enough of this politically correct crap and buckle down and show anyone who threatens this country we mean business! We will detain, lock up, and/or even deport if you have connections with any group or people that is planning terrorist attacks whether it be Islamic or any other.

But no, instead, we show them we are sensitive. We embrace them in media. We won't even call them Islamic terrorists, Islamic murderers, Islamic shooters, bombers, killers, barbarians or any of that. We will simply say: a male gunman shot up a base.

Ah well. Better to be sensitive and understanding towards those that want to kill us than being safe from harm. At least, they can plan peacefully of how to kill more of us without fear of government enforcement knocking on their door.
No. The government just dropped the ball again of preventing disaster from striking. Who is to blame, ultimately? Which organization of the government? Who knows. :dunno:

However, it seems we are all sitting ducks because of fear of entering into Mosques, investigating Muslims, and preventing any of this from happening. Despite knowing what they knew about this guy and once again, another Islamic terror attack, this time on a military base within our country happened. They know who are potential Islamic extremists, who preach it, and who wants to see this country and the citizens within it be destroyed. Whether they support it, preach it, or plan to carry it out, detain them!

Enough of this politically correct crap and buckle down and show anyone who threatens this country we mean business! We will detain, lock up, and/or even deport if you have connections with any group or people that is planning terrorist attacks whether it be Islamic or any other.

But no, instead, we show them we are sensitive. We embrace them in media. We won't even call them Islamic terrorists, Islamic murderers, Islamic shooters, bombers, killers, barbarians or any of that. We will simply say: a male gunman shot up a base.

Ah well. Better to be sensitive and understanding towards those that want to kill us than being safe from harm. At least, they can plan peacefully of how to kill more of us without fear of government enforcement knocking on their door.

The problem is the overwhelming majority of these people do not. I suspect the gov is doing a mostly reasonable job of infiltrating the places where these people are likely to congregate.

Much like they infiltrated homegrown terrorists who murdered, bombed, persecuted and maimed minorities in this country in the name of being "good Christians". They did so without targeting the overwhelming majority of people who peacefully practiced Christianity.

In our country we have a right to be free from religious persecution. Persecute criminals and those who show criminal interests or tendencies irrespective of what banner they claim.:2 cents:
I think all this talk about the reason this guy was still going to be deployed by the army was some sort of pc unwillingness to offend him or muslims is not the case.

The army has a severe shortage of people with his qualifications to deploy.Their recruitment and manpower problems are at the heart of a lot of problems.They have to keep deploying the same people leading to all kinds of stress problems like high suicide rates among the soldiers and other psychologcal problems.They are just being forced to overlook all kinds of red flags just to fill the ranks.


Hiliary 2020
rush said one of the reasons this guy was so upset was because he was told by obama that he would get us out of iraq and afghanistan.
he didnt.
which is one of the reasons the guy cracked.
He also said "that by playing the game the way the media and the dems do, we can almost say.........)
thats different than directly saying its obamas fault, very different.

but hear what you want

I still say it was pc that got those people killed
rush said one of the reasons this guy was so upset was because he was told by obama that he would get us out of iraq and afghanistan.
he didnt.
That's interesting....the guy hasn't been interrogated nor interviews but Rush knows that Obama told this guy (I presume with a private phone call since he's said no such thing in public) that he was getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
which is one of the reasons the guy cracked.
He also said "that by playing the game the way the media and the dems do, we can almost say.........)
thats different than directly saying its obamas fault, very different.

but hear what you want

I still say it was pc that got those people killed

For the game to be correct...the "dems" would have had to insinuate or state directly that it was Bush's fault the Muslim Sgt. fragged his fellow soldiers in the 2003 Kuwait incident. They did no such thing.

But I'm sure that's not relevant.:rolleyes:
As far as I know, Limbaugh has no children - and I'm eternally grateful for that.

I hope he never does have any children (beyond his loyal "dittohead" listeners).

ughh i shutter at the very thought of that man copulating, creating little deamon spawns running their fat heads off

any way, fuck 'im


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Typical Limbaugh diatribe....keep devouring the idiocy, dittoheads. All Rush is worried about is his Arbitron long as what he says and does keeps them up high, he'll keep doing his routine....and the dittoheads will keep mindlessly following every moronic word he says.


Hiliary 2020
c'mom, he was just giving food for thought.
and the way it was worded wasnt an accusation at all.
According to what the news has reported his anger about the US being in arab countrys was pissing him off and he was pissed that obama still had not withdrawn the troops.
he did say that while his was campaigning no?
rush is saying it seems these things were a factor in his going nuts.

but twist it as you'd like.


Postal Paranoiac
Limpballs is gone. Get his room ready.