Well, even though he's feeling low right now, there is one thing that can be said about him that's both true and positive at the same time. The guy has still got the most awesome hair style to probably ever be witnessed by man.
It's like a Mohawk, but instead of shaving himself bald elsewhere else on his head like you should, he thought fuck it, that's too much work and just just trimmed it a little bit shorter than the rest - like the uber bad ass he so obviously is. Then instead of sticking it up with any of that pussy assed gel or whatever that's only for liberals and child molesters, he just allows the "Mohawk" section of his hair - which is now to be known only as the "awesome do" - to just flop wherever it wants because he's just cool like that.
You know it's awesome, I know it's awesome, he knows it's awesome.
So when all else fails MMA guy who ripped his friends beating heart out like the villain of every fucking Chuck Norris movie ever made - I still love you.