Hat Man

Closed Account
What the hell is wrong with her?? :dunno:

Sun., Sep. 16, 2012 7:12 PM PDT

Amanda Bynes' DUI arrest, two hit-and-run incidents and photos that seem to show the actress smoking, um, something while behind the wheel are just the beginning.

The actress, who has a suspended license, was pulled over by police today and subsequently got her vehicle impounded, E! News confirms. :facepalm:


I hope she's not headed down Lindsay Lohan Blvd. I thought she had better judgement than what she's been showing of late.

Hat Man :hatsoff:

Hat Man

Closed Account
Usually when there's strange stories about celebs, we can laugh and make fun at them, but she's displaying a disturbing pattern of behavior.

She caused a scene at a Hollywood gym last month when she stripped down to her bra in the middle of a spin class.

And Amanda Bynes has reportedly been at it again with her exhibitionist antics, this time going the full monty.

The troubled 26-year-old allegedly walked into the main reception of the Beach Bum Tanning salon in New York City completely naked, according to InTouch magazine.

Shocking fellow customers in the process, Amanda was in her Mystic spray-tanning booth before she emerged in front of patrons nude while looking for a pair of goggles.

'She walked out of the room completely naked,' an insider told the magazine. 'She didn’t seem to care that everyone saw her naked.'

The source added that the actress appeared completely out of it, and displayed a worrying demeanour.

'She seemed totally out of it,' they said. 'She took her time walking back to the Mystic room, dragging her fingers along the wall and smiling at customers who passed her.

'There was definitely something wrong with her.'


A DUI charge, not one, but two hit and run charges, sending out a tweet to Obama wanting him to fire the cop that arrested her. She also locked herself in a bathroom for two hours at a bakeshop in New York City.

It's a shame to see someone who seemed to be level headed, and had her act together start to slowly fall apart. I hope she gets the help she needs.

Hat Man :hatsoff:
She definitly seems to be losing the plot. But wow those legs of hers are looking hot. I would definitly not mind licking and cumming on her legs.
Not for nothing, but the only thing I can think of that's worse than your life unraveling would have to be that it happens with paparazzi endlessly taking pics and people passing judgement and offering "advice." Our lives are just so damned perfect that we can come here into this nudie wank forum and pass judgement on someone we really don't know. I'm just SO glad the rough patches I've had in my life weren't chronicled for the world to think of as entertainment.
You know, this finally confirms what I've always suspected. For some reason I seem to be atracted to crazy chicks. I never really had any interest in Amanda Bynes, but ever since she's seemingly lost her mind and started crashing her car, been seen wandering around like a zombie walking into people, talking to herself and random objects etc... I've developed a little bit of a crush on her lol
You know, this finally confirms what I've always suspected. For some reason I seem to be atracted to crazy chicks. I never really had any interest in Amanda Bynes, but ever since she's seemingly lost her mind and started crashing her car, been seen wandering around like a zombie walking into people, talking to herself and random objects etc... I've developed a little bit of a crush on her lol

Maybe because those are the easiest type of chicks to pull..