You have exhausted every option available to you upon which one might find sexual congress, have you not? You haven't just sat in your house, in front of your computer waiting for the vagina to come to you? If it happens to be the case that you have deluded yourself into thinking that you have done enough to get laid when you so obviously haven't then there really is only one course of action: log off, go outside and do what normal people do!
Now of course if you just happen to have been the former in this case then it really is your choice; if the weight of your balls is just too heavy of a burden to bare then by all means sample of the forbidden fruits. But a word of advice to you, for the love of God! DO NOT set foot inside of a brothel under any circumstance if you can help it. Those places are no fun at all. They're depressing and the lighting is always far too harsh. No, my advice to you would be to hire a van for a night and on a night of your choosing (preferably a week night) go out curb crawling. Of course the pickings will be slim, but you're going to have to just live with that, pussy is pussy after all no matter how disgusting it smells and how many track marks and bruises she has.
Now the van, the curb crawling, the duct tape, hack saw and trash bags and a map to several different deserted lakes, ponds and children's playgrounds are all items that you will have to invest in that is in the long run going to save you a lot of trouble and far less panic. Use them well and be smart about it and you could get laid, get back your fee and strangle someone to death all on the same night, which I'm sure you'll agree is far more of an experience than having to look at the unimpressive product of human trafficking, blowing your load as soon as she gets her tits out and not having the option to get that much desired refund because the big eastern European thug standing outside the door will burst through in at any moment and crack you over the head at a moments notice as soon as voices are raised.
There does seem to be one logical choice here buddy. Of course I cannot tell you which one to choose. I can only show you the door my friend, it is your choice whether or not you wish to walk through it.
Either heed my advice or don't. The door remains open either way.