you can clearly see at that there hasnt been a slow down on updates, we added 8 new picture sets and 8 new videos in november. 16 updates, not including other updates, so i really dont know what your talking about
Still doing 2-3 updates a week which is typical of most sites and we just did 4 in 5 days end of Nov
Just commenting on that fact that you were spoiling us with 5 updates a week :bowdown: & that it dropped to two last week :surprise: I need my daily fix :drool1:
By the way, do you not like Mondays (like it says in the Boom Town Rats song) as you have updates most Sundays, but never on a Monday.:dunno:
Just wondering, not a complaint.
Definitely my first visit site every day, :bowdown: so keep up the fantastic work. :clap: