Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jul 18, 2008 #4 No face shots it could be anybody riding the donger there. I'm calling BS on this one. -cs™
hitdawg Jul 18, 2008 #5 No way to tell without the face. Pretty hot though. Was more surprised by the Kristen Davis stuff, suddenly a new fan of hers.
No way to tell without the face. Pretty hot though. Was more surprised by the Kristen Davis stuff, suddenly a new fan of hers.
Son Of Onan Jul 18, 2008 #6 OH GOOD GRIEF!!! It's Avril Lavigne because it's a skinny white chick whose hair kinda looks like Avril from behind?????? WOW!!! I guess I saw Avril Lavigne 37 times yesterday at the mall!!!
OH GOOD GRIEF!!! It's Avril Lavigne because it's a skinny white chick whose hair kinda looks like Avril from behind?????? WOW!!! I guess I saw Avril Lavigne 37 times yesterday at the mall!!!
SeraphiM Retired Moderator Jul 18, 2008 #9 gellarfan said: great spam...... Click to expand... Agreed
P Palidian Aug 28, 2008 #10 Eventually she turns her head, and look at the nose, more of a downward angle. Avril's nose is nowhere like that. Not that it is a "bad" clip, just not AL :2 cents:
Eventually she turns her head, and look at the nose, more of a downward angle. Avril's nose is nowhere like that. Not that it is a "bad" clip, just not AL :2 cents:
D dell16 Aug 30, 2008 #11 I don't think it is Avril Lavigne on that sex tape. That skinny girl with a long blonde hair is no way compared to Avril. Besides, in the video the girl's nose doesn't look like that of Avril.... Good Spam nut no way they can lie the viewers.
I don't think it is Avril Lavigne on that sex tape. That skinny girl with a long blonde hair is no way compared to Avril. Besides, in the video the girl's nose doesn't look like that of Avril.... Good Spam nut no way they can lie the viewers.
N Nolongerneeded Aug 30, 2008 #12 i think the obvious thing is look at the ass..that is deff not avrils ass..she has a grgeous fart locker, this girls ass doesnt compare
i think the obvious thing is look at the ass..that is deff not avrils ass..she has a grgeous fart locker, this girls ass doesnt compare
D donaldboxes11 Closed Account Jan 12, 2009 #13 Yeah, really isn't her. It's some asian chick, can't find out her name but i have read it elsewhere. I shall keep searching...
Yeah, really isn't her. It's some asian chick, can't find out her name but i have read it elsewhere. I shall keep searching...
S stjohns Jan 12, 2009 #15 i dont find her too hot at all but i wouldnt mind watching her catch a load in the grill
P pichunter77 Jan 13, 2009 #17 that video has been around for years avril doesn't have that nice of an ass and on the side face shot btw.... the girl is asian
that video has been around for years avril doesn't have that nice of an ass and on the side face shot btw.... the girl is asian
Violator79 Take a Hit, Spunker! Jan 13, 2009 #19 I'd kill to see a sex vid of Avril. She's always been a favorite of mine.