all the single men (and maybe women) out there- how often do you wake up humping the bed?

I slept for about 5 hours, woke up humping the bed for 5 minutes, noticed the sunrise coming, and realized I'd rather go back to sleep so I roll over on my back and sleep another 3 hours. Lazy boner blues perhaps, or just a sign that sleep is more important than cumming. I wake up humping the bed at least twice a month. How often do you?
If you don't rely on your hand or a vagina too much, you can. Or alternatively you can drill a hole in the mattress. I worry that a hole might expand and force me to buy another mattress in the near future, so it's best to just rub a dub dub your pinky across the mattress and pretend it's whatever gets you off, lol.
Looks like fun maybe I'll try it