I have to say, someone give her an Oscar. Probably very few of you have seen "She's out of My League." Kind of a forgettable movie with a lot of sophomoric humor that gets tiresome and only causes a few chuckles. But she is quite memorable in it. You really get a sense that her character really is into Jay Baruchel's underachieving whiny bitch of a character. There's never a sense that Jay Baruchel is actually into Alice Eve, only that he feels so lucky to have her, he just has to be. I think maybe the gap between the two just seems so unrealistic, that she kind of has to be more into him that he does, but still she actually seems to like him, while he just seems to be walking around in a daze that he actually even had a shot at her.
On paper, it shouldn't work, but Alice Eve makes it work. Her performance of being solid 10 chick being attracted to a 4 of a dude is simply brilliant.