Happy New Year right back at ya, nothing ol' friend. :glugglug:
Second, while I've seen all of those before, your right in that it's well worth lookin' at again for a bit. Especially the last one from the first list as you noted it *IS* the best. I really do miss her original dark, coffee-brown Brunette hair (hey, it also happens to be my own hair color), which is my favorite of her original look from her videos and galleries post two and a half years ago now. She looked so hot there.
Also if you check her official site (, you can all see that is where she primarilly shoot's for these days. I take it she wanted to earn better money, and not have to fuck with the company idiots (I'm sorry, fellow porn lovers, but they're dolts to put it kindly) and other such scum-bags she's probably had to deal with.
Whoa, she's now a Blonde now in her most recent stuff over the last few weeks. Check out her video section: . I would love to see the fan fuck from the fan online, as well as the nearly half-hour gang bang and the black guy fuckin' (cause her ShaftUncovered episode was very hot). Enjoy the pics.
Also, if anyone is a member, please share with us what the stuff is like. I currently don't have a debt card or my own place to better enjoy the material, or else I would be all over it. nothing enjoy some Rep I'm gonna give ya old buddy ...