I think still a shoe salesman. The big thing about Al was that you knew that no matter how much good fortune might smile on him one day, it would be gone by the next. He was never going to get ahead. The highlight of his life was scoring four touchdowns for Polk High to win the city championship in 1966. How do I know all that? Because Al talked about it in about 50% of the shows. It was all he had to talk about.
If he was a member of Congress, yeah, he'd be looked down upon by the public. But he wouldn't care... cause he'd be on the greatest taxpayer funded gravy train there is. Also, as a member of Congress, we wouldn't pull for him to have any amount of good luck. We'd be happy to see bad things happen to him.
To Al Bundy. :beer: IMO, probably as good a representation of the middle class American man now as then.