AHOY mates, I wanna win this hunt!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The competition for the AHOY (Well, Ace spells it AHOTY) is on and I am campaigning to win it! Get behind this and gimme your vote already! Thank you :coolthumb:

You Might ask yourself: Why HIM?

Here is why:

There are two serious candidates right now, one is not really into it, he seems to be all against it and is not into the spirit of a competition like this.

You want the hat? Earn it, you idiot!

I asm the guy who embraces the concept and who is willing to go more than the extra mile to make it happen.

You want to be a proud member of this forum, you pick a winner. You can do it, and together, we can make this happen!

AHOY, sailors :hit:


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
A real asshat would give us his acceptance speech before he wins.

Just sayin'!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Should we elect an AHOTY who wants it? Nay, I say. The truly deserving of honorifics are they who don't seek it. Despite my near total disdain for LBJ (just so you know, assair, LBJ isn't Spanish for blow job) his one redeeming act was to decline reelection for president. I'm sure there are those out there who would say "wait a minute, Ace. What about the Civil Rights Act and blah, blah, blah." His support for and the signing of that legislature were purely political. He was a HUGE racist.

I'm a big fan of history and one of my favorite historical figures is Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. He was regarded as a model of virtue and simplicity. He served well as consul around 460BC until his son was condemned to death and was resigned to the life of an austere farmer. When rival tribes threatened Rome he was called back to duty as dictator to deal with the situation and his immediate resignation from that nearly all-powerful position has been an example of modesty and lack of personal ambition that should be emulated.

There are several memorials and honors in his name. Several cities and towns in Europe and the U.S. are named after him.

George Washington was often favorably compared to Cincinnatus after he gave up his position of Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and his refusal of near monarchical power after his great victory. The Society of the Cincinnati is a historical association founded in the aftermath of the American Revolutionary War to preserve the ideals of the military officer's role in the new American Republic. Washington was its first president.

Noted cocksucker, Edward Snowden, has said Cincinnatus was his first alias.

Publius Decius Mus and Marcus Atilius Regulus were two other prominent Roman consuls who essentially martyred themselves for their cause.

You, my good sir, have sullied the memory of these good men by your venial desires. Shame upon you and the House of Supadupafly.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
And yes, Maximus Decimus Meridius aka Russell Crowe's character in Gladiator was almost entirely ripped off from the Cincinnatus legacy. Albeit with more historical inaccuracy and poetic license thrown in because the movie going public is (are?) retarded.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Should we elect an AHOTY who wants it? Nay, I say. The truly deserving of honorifics are they who don't seek it. Despite my near total disdain for LBJ (just so you know, assair, LBJ isn't Spanish for blow job) his one redeeming act was to decline reelection for president. I'm sure there are those out there who would say "wait a minute, Ace. What about the Civil Rights Act and blah, blah, blah." His support for and the signing of that legislature were purely political. He was a HUGE racist.

I'm a big fan of history and one of my favorite historical figures is Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. He was regarded as a model of virtue and simplicity. He served well as consul around 460BC until his son was condemned to death and was resigned to the life of an austere farmer. When rival tribes threatened Rome he was called back to duty as dictator to deal with the situation and his immediate resignation from that nearly all-powerful position has been an example of modesty and lack of personal ambition that should be emulated.

There are several memorials and honors in his name. Several cities and towns in Europe and the U.S. are named after him.

George Washington was often favorably compared to Cincinnatus after he gave up his position of Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and his refusal of near monarchical power after his great victory. The Society of the Cincinnati is a historical association founded in the aftermath of the American Revolutionary War to preserve the ideals of the military officer's role in the new American Republic. Washington was its first president.

Noted cocksucker, Edward Snowden, has said Cincinnatus was his first alias.

Publius Decius Mus and Marcus Atilius Regulus were two other prominent Roman consuls who essentially martyred themselves for their cause.

You, my good sir, have sullied the memory of these good men by your venial desires. Shame upon you and the House of Supadupafly.

I couldn't get past the third sentence. Asshat.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You still believe being an asshat is a bad thing. The Fly strongly disagrees. It provides an outlet for things that the other side doesn't agree so much on or shys away from.

And you know, a title is always a title.

Will, I dare you to step into this and defy me. You may smell like a donkey and wear a strawhat, but you don't own up to it, and your game is thru.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Should we elect an AHOTY who wants it? Nay, I say. The truly deserving of honorifics are they who don't seek it.

That whole post was awesome but I whittled it down to my line of thinking on the award. In fact, I would say that the one who wants it the least is the one that really deserves it the most. There's a difference between true Asshattery and merely trolling for the lulz. An Asshat wouldn't want the award and is a genuinely shitty person with a track record to prove it. A lulzy troll will see the award and have a sense of humor about it, but that attitude is more suited for membership in the Troll Hall of Fame. Sorry, The Fly, but you're just not sinister enough to have really earned it.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I really thank all of you guys who are pushing for me and believe in me. The win is so close at hand, and I truly and deeply appreciate every post you make in response and every feedback inspires me to be all the Asshat that you wish for and more.

I do not know how the other candidates are planning to celebrate their potential victory - the race is far from over - but I can tell you:

If you make this happen for me, it is going to be something you never saw. I want to push the place to another level.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
What the fuck!?! Has WillE just gone into full retard or picked up his pace or what? Or do some people finally realize they want to show who is the real Asshat?

Okay, I am doing it wrong, if you consider the title to be not something you want to have...

Come on, we still got 17 days to pick it up... PLEASE vote for me, just to even the scvore. This race is so much fun

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
xfire stated it best. Will is a genuine asshat, you're just calling it in.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
xfire stated it best. Will is a genuine asshat, you're just calling it in.

To e exact, I created a secondary persona that I casn turn on and vent and troll with, which is in retrospect, a great idea.

Of course, other, more prominent members have taken it further, but that is a possibility you are only allowed as staff member or other special sort ;)

Sadly, BC and Perraisyqueen did not choose to do like me, which I found especially curious as there always is Mariah, still. Don't understand fully why she didn't see how she could solve this situation she was heading towards.

I am way more calm, andan just tell myself: "That's a job for The Fly" when I get mad or something.

Well, as you said, to me, it is a choice I made, and thus I won't get hurt too bad if I coe in second or third. And the prospect of WillE's reaction is nice. By the way, the 10th of July is a nice time, my B-day is the 8th, so I will be celebrating whatever :thumbsup:


Torn & Frayed.
Maybe I'm missing the point here, but in my opinion, no one should want this "award". The phrase "dubious distinction" comes to mind.

To put it another way, anyone who wants it is fucked in the head anyway. :D


For the EMPEROR!!
Yeah I agree with the consensus, the winner shouldn't 'want' it, such a prestigious title should be earned.

This message was brought to you by the IAoA (International Association of Asshats).

Vote Will bitches.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Fuck it. Now I see you all agree on Asshattery being about being an Asshat, well, I am screwed.