If you see a video where a girl squirts halfway across the room you can be certain that she's really taking a leak.
You have never seen a girl squirting, that's for sure. Squirt can fly much higher than pee; it's shorter timed than pee, but much more powerful, different color, taste, consistency, smell. One thing is for sure: you can be 100% sure that girl squirt for real only if you are with her, 95% if you are watching an apparently unedited, one-shot/take video, 0% if you watch an edited video; while you can be always 100% sure when it's pee, since pee comes from a completely different place from squirt.
The 0% chance to be sure if squirt is squirt on an edited video is due to the fact that you can fill a vagina with water and have the girl push it out, with wich some decent editing produces the effect of a squirting girl. But pee is unmistakable unless you know someone peeing from inside their vagina.
SORA: my suggestion is...sit on the toilet relaxed and alone, masturbate and try to reproduce the actions that make you feel like you wanted to squirt and let go. I bet you will squirt. Every woman can squirt. Often we have a block because it feels as if we wanted to pee and that stops us from letting go. If you do in the toilet by your own chances are that you will let go and then once you have experienced the pleasure and checked that it wasn't pee indeed you will be ready to squirt like a charm on your partners' face.