Go for it, put it in your living room above the couch. Not only is it a good conversation piece but it will really hold the room together kind of like the Dude's rug.
If you like it and you can spare the money: buy it! I think even my gf would like it, and it would probably be in the bedroom or something. Then again, it's a nude, but not porn. So, if it looks nice on the wall in the living room, go for it. Some people may not like it, but hey: any good art should get some emotional response from people!
You Might have to decorate around it a bit, you know, sorta work up to the theme as it may be a bit abrupt all on it's own.
Go for it, I'd certainly hang it in my foyer ! :thumbsup:
BTW - looks like lurkingdirk's pair there . . . jus sayin