Actual Meat Content in Fast-Food Burgers is 12% (median)

So says this research article in the Annals (hehe) of Diagnostic Pathology - read it and weep, burger lovers!!!



Americans consume about 5 billion hamburgers a year. It is presumed that most hamburgers are
composed primarily of meat. The purpose of this study is to assess the content of 8 fast food
hamburger brands using histologic methods. Eight different brands of hamburgers were evaluated for
water content by weight and microscopically for recognizable tissue types. Glial fibrillary acidic
protein (GFAP) staining was used to evaluate for brain tissue. Water content by weight ranged from
37.7% to 62.4% (mean, 49%). Meat content in the hamburgers ranged from 2.1% to 14.8% (median,
12.1%). The cost per gram of hamburger ranged from $0.02 to $0.16 (median, $0.03) and did not
correlate with meat content.
Electron microscopy showed relatively preserved skeletal muscle. A
variety of tissue types besides skeletal muscle were observed including connective tissue (n = 8),
blood vessels (n = 8), peripheral nerve (n = 8), adipose tissue (n = 7), plant material (n = 4), cartilage
(n = 3), and bone (n = 2). In 2 hamburgers, intracellular parasites (Sarcocystis) were identified. The
GFAP immunostaining was not observed in any of the hamburgers. Lipid content on oil-red-O
staining was graded as 1+ (moderate) in 6 burgers and 2+ (marked) in 2 burgers. Fast food
hamburgers are comprised of little meat (median, 12.1%). Approximately half of their weight is
made up of water. Unexpected tissue types found in some hamburgers included bone, cartilage, and
plant material; no brain tissue was present. Sarcocystis parasites were discovered in 2 hamburgers.
My gawd...Hamburger #7 - 2.1% MEAT:eek::eek::rolleyes: :wtf:

Why won't these doctors divulge the Fast Food brands? What could they get sued over? They aren't making any claims, only verifying contents:dunno:


McDonalds is actually 100% beef. Well, they say that, it's probably about 90%, but it's still a lot better than 12.
If it tastes good, eat it.
At least that's what my great great great grandfather always told us :D


I'm happy to report that I eat fast food burgers at a rate of approx twice a year.

It's all crap at those F/F joints, THE EVIL CAPITALISTS cuttin corners ! Sawdust (and who knows what else ?) in dem burgers :eek::eek:!!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I feel somewhat gipped. Even tho the 6 dollar burger doesnt cost 6 dollars.

Heh.. hmm.
McDonalds is actually 100% beef. Well, they say that, it's probably about 90%, but it's still a lot better than 12.

It takes a clown to trust a corporate clown who promises such things.

It may be 100% beef but only 50% meat (the rest being fat, connective tissue and the bits of cow that nice lady cows won't talk about)


It takes a clown to trust a corporate clown who promises such things.


You think McDonalds can get away with that anymore? They are so strictly observed, more than any other fast food restaurant. Many organizations are out for McBlood, claiming they have 100% beef and actually only having 12% would be a great way to screw them over. McDs isn't as bad as everyone thinks. At least not in the UK. America? Who knows. You guys are pretty fucked up after all.
That doesn't sound too good, but keep in mind even hamburger you buy from the market or butcher is going to have a large portion of it's mass taken up by water, fat, and other things besides the meat.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
McDonalds is actually 100% beef. Well, they say that, it's probably about 90%, but it's still a lot better than 12.

McDonald's uses 100% beef in their burgers. Now, there are A LOT of additives that are put into that beef, but it's still 100% none-the-less.

Taco that's another story.