ACORN Gets the Last Laugh

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Elementary is as elementary does....this guy is "definitely spot on.." After all, you're the one tossing out the name-calling. If you want to characterize something I say...that's one thing but what's with the juvenile name-calling "teach"? Being around kindergartners 180 days a year rubbing off on you?:tongue:

They're lighthearted videos, no real malice intended. Sadly, I'm around 10th graders all day during the school year, so this sophomoric humor is literally right up my alley...

Sorry, I was too elitist to understand your post at first. However, after a few corrections, I could understand it perfectly despite the awkwardness of your sentence structure.


Ahhh,...I understand. You're utilizing the time-tested desperation tactic of somebody that realizes they are on a losing side of a discussion. That is to start attacking a message's delivery and not its substance.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Ahhh,...I understand. You're utilizing the time-tested desperation tactic of somebody that realizes they are on a losing side of a discussion. That is to start attacking a message's delivery and not its substance.

As I noted above, my original post was not meant to taken seriously. Thanks for playing though. You're another one of those little pathetic snots on here who just likes to hear himself talk.



I'm not sure if that's much reward since their organization is now defunded and defunct, but Rachel makes some great points here - nice takedown (WARNING: Fact-phobic teabaggers probably shouldn't watch this!)

Can you explain what the fucking teabaggers and acorn organization even is? Teabaggers sounds like a bunch of 13 year olds on halo 3 and acorn sounds like squirrels started it.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Can you explain what the fucking teabaggers and acorn organization even is? Teabaggers sounds like a bunch of 13 year olds on halo 3 and acorn sounds like squirrels started it.

Well, you're pretty close. The Teabaggers are deranged people on the fringe of the Republican Party who are suddenly gaining mainstream momentum. They scare me and I'm a Conservative. ACORN came into prominence while trying help register poor people to vote so they could help elect Obama and other Democrats. They've since filed for bankruptcy. The founder embezzled about a million dollars or so. Perhaps this had something to do with it.


Well, you're pretty close. The Teabaggers are deranged people on the fringe of the Republican Party who are suddenly gaining mainstream momentum. They scare me and I'm a Conservative. ACORN tried to help register poor people to vote so they could help elect Obama and other Democrats. They've since filed for bankruptcy. The owner embezzled about a million dollars or so. Perhaps this had something to do with it.

STUPID SQUIRRELS. Don't they realize acorns don't last forever.

thanks, at least acorn is gone. what do the teabaggers want? Do they want to teabag people?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
STUPID SQUIRRELS. Don't they realize acorns don't last forever.

thanks, at least acorn is gone. what do the teabaggers want? Do they want to teabag people?

TEA stands for "taxed enough already," but it's also an allusion to the Boston Tea Party. They're against every piece of legislation ever created by Democrats - public health care options, bailouts, the stimulus act, etc.

They want to lower taxes and create a simplified system, reduce earmarks, balance the budget, limit spending by the federal government, and find other energy sources to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. They're also really big into Constitutionality. According to them, every bill passed by Congress should demonstrate what part of the Constitution gives them the right to pass said bill.

As I mentioned before, they're like angry Conservatives on speed. They blame Obama for everything without taking into account preexisting conditions. Even I can admit that isn't fair.