ACORN Gets the Last Laugh

I'm not sure if that's much reward since their organization is now defunded and defunct, but Rachel makes some great points here - nice takedown (WARNING: Fact-phobic teabaggers probably shouldn't watch this!)
thank god, i despise fox
but i know that they won't even bother mentioning this
they'll just go on spinning their web
trapping poor old people and rednecks
while bleeding them dry of common sense

that sucks that the guy got fired for their little scam
i'd give him way more than 75,000
I'm not sure if that's much reward since their organization is now defunded and defunct, but Rachel makes some great points here - nice takedown (WARNING: Fact-phobic teabaggers probably shouldn't watch this!)

Neither ACORN nor this poor bastard that got canned have gotten the last laugh....the mission: to besmirch and ruin the organization has been accomplished.

Predictably so when you have cowardly Demos standing guard at the garrison.

Instead of getting all the facts and making sure indefensible acts were happening they were too busy cowering at first bluff...they allowed two, two-bit political hacks to dismantle an organization and get a couple of people canned.

This guy is going after them in civil court....he'll likely win but have fun with recovering the damages.

The biggest problem I see is when this aired...the guy should have personally gone all over the tv with his story debunking what was being shown with what actually was the case.

Instead of sitting back and watching himself be mischaracterized in order to take down an organization that probably does more good than in 2 hrs than Faux or these two GOPer goons will do in the entirety of collective existences.


Instead of sitting back and watching himself be mischaracterized in order to take down an organization that probably does more good than in 2 hrs than Faux or these two GOPer goons will do in the entirety of collective existences.

Cute! Do they or don't they? :dunno:

What in the hell on earth could a gaggle of subversives like acorn possibly do for me? gøøse eggs, that's what! What do they do that's so special for you Faking?
Cute! Do they or don't they?

It depends on your point of few. ACORN’s mission was to have lower income people involved in the political process.

FOX News’ mission is to pass right wing spin off as news. They use misleading evidence, ignore contrary facts and out right lie to accomplish this and make money doing it. They choose to divide people and flame the flames using bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, class bias and religious bigotry to boost ratings. Personally I don’t think that is very admirable.
Cute! Do they or don't they?

Probably. I don't know because I don't sit around devising undercover stings on either to find out for sure.:tongue:

Speaking of which...if there were any justice in this universe, this guy would actually sue Fox as well for the big money and spend it and the next 3 years trying to catch the hack O'keefe violating the terms of his probation so the wimp can do a full bid.

Now THAT would be getting the last giggle.:glugglug:
What in the hell on earth could a gaggle of subversives like acorn possibly do for me? gøøse eggs, that's what! What do they do that's so special for you Faking?

Therein lies the universal problem for so call conservatives. The spoiled little kid syndrome. If something isn't happening for "me"...then it isn't worth happening.

Some people think organizations which work to enfranchise the disenfranchised are worth having in this country. You and your like predictably don't.

You triply don't when said organization has ties...even if but erstwhile, minor ties to a political foe.

It's worth it in the minds of people who likely think like you to bring to ruin an organization like that if it helps besmirch a political foe.

That's how kids think.:crash:
Too many people get caught up in the Right vs. Left debate in the US these days that they miss the point entirely. This is one of those cases IMHO: Bottom line - Political groups like ACORN should never get tax payer money to push their agenda. It's un-Constitutional and a waste of money we don't have, whether it's a right or left leaning group.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Poor people don't deserve to be a part of the political process. If they were more intelligent, they wouldn't be poor. They would have figured out a way to improve their socioeconomic status. If they haven't done so, they deserve to be marginalized and disenfranchised. That's how democracy and capitalism work. If you're not bringing anything to the table, then you don't deserve a voice

Go West, young man! Er.. I mean.. pull yourself up by your boot straps. Improve your standing in life and then you can dabble in the political machinations of our great country.


Postal Paranoiac
Funny. I haven't heard anything from HanRatty or LimpBalls about this. Of course, they've also kept mum about these record-breaking heat waves this summer and global warming.
What in the hell on earth could a gaggle of subversives like acorn possibly do for me? gøøse eggs, that's what! What do they do that's so special for you Faking?

I don't base my political views and preferences strictly on the motto "What's in it for me?"

ACORN was far from "subversive," facetious. Truly subversive groups - be they of the right or left - are not typically inclined to accept ANY government funding. If you do that and then succeed in subverting (and then destroying) the government, you've lost a source of funding... Anyway, you're not in this discussion from an honest, fact-based perspective, so let's just forget it, okay???
Poor people don't deserve to be a part of the political process. If they were more intelligent, they wouldn't be poor. They would have figured out a way to improve their socioeconomic status. If they haven't done so, they deserve to be marginalized and disenfranchised. That's how democracy and capitalism work. If you're not bringing anything to the table, then you don't deserve a voice

Go West, young man! Er.. I mean.. pull yourself up by your boot straps. Improve your standing in life and then you can dabble in the political machinations of our great country.

If that's the case explaining all those rich and elite people that happen to be complete idiots, of which there is very many, would be a problem for you though.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If that's the case, explaining all those rich and elite people who happen to be complete idiots, of which there are very many, would be a problem for you though.


Sorry, I was too elitist to understand your post at first. However, after a few corrections, I could understand it perfectly despite the awkwardness of your sentence structure.

Poor people don't deserve to be a part of the political process. If they were more intelligent, they wouldn't be poor. They would have figured out a way to improve their socioeconomic status. If they haven't done so, they deserve to be marginalized and disenfranchised. That's how democracy and capitalism work. If you're not bringing anything to the table, then you don't deserve a voice

Go West, young man! Er.. I mean.. pull yourself up by your boot straps. Improve your standing in life and then you can dabble in the political machinations of our great country.

Clearly worthy of a "Principal Anderson".....

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ Great video. But, if you thought that post was serious, you need to be institutionalized. I don't have the time nor the inclination to come on here and argue politics with you fucks. If I want to do that, I'll go to a reputable site, not a porn board. You and FK win the award for being those annoying little snots who just like to hear themselves talk. High five for that!

^^ Great video. But, if you thought that post was serious, you need to be institutionalized. I don't have the time nor the inclination to come on here and argue politics with you fucks. If I want to do that, I'll go to a reputable site, not a porn board. You and FK win the award for being those annoying little snots who just like to hear themselves talk. High five for that! profound A/R!! Along your poor/intelligence wouldn't happen to be "poor" would you?:o

At least we agree on one thing, "you're a douche".:tongue: computer can do this trick too...:rolleyes:

Ace Bandage

The one and only. profound A/R!! Along your poor/intelligence wouldn't happen to be "poor" would you?:o

At least we agree on one thing, "you're a douche".:tongue: computer can do this trick too...:rolleyes:
Nice rubber and glue defense you have there. Very elementary... :tongue:

Of course, I'm poor. I teach for a living. We're not paid like rock stars, but I only work 180 days a year.

And I may be a Conservative, but I'm not an extreme Conservative who wishes to exclude the poor from the democratic system. I just like to post outlandish responses in the political threads because they irritate me. One more video from this guy. It's definitely spot on:

FOX News’ mission is to pass right wing spin off as news. They use misleading evidence, ignore contrary facts and out right lie to accomplish this and make money doing it. They choose to divide people and flame the flames using bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, class bias and religious bigotry to boost ratings. Personally I don’t think that is very admirable.

Yep...have you ever noticed how pretty much everything on the FOX "ticker" is followed with a question mark?
Poor people don't deserve to be a part of the political process. If they were more intelligent, they wouldn't be poor. They would have figured out a way to improve their socioeconomic status. If they haven't done so, they deserve to be marginalized and disenfranchised. That's how democracy and capitalism work. If you're not bringing anything to the table, then you don't deserve a voice

Do Democracy and Capitalism take racism into account or do these systems ensure a level playing field? :rolleyes:

I suspect if you were born in a barrio or ghetto you wouldn't have "pulled yourself up by your bootstraps" as easy as you make it seem.
Nice rubber and glue defense you have there. Very elementary... :tongue:

Of course, I'm poor. I teach for a living. We're not paid like rock stars, but I only work 180 days a year.

And I may be a Conservative, but I'm not an extreme Conservative who wishes to exclude the poor from the democratic system. I just like to post outlandish responses in the political threads because they irritate me. One more video from this guy. It's definitely spot on:
Elementary is as elementary does....this guy is "definitely spot on.." After all, you're the one tossing out the name-calling. If you want to characterize something I say...that's one thing but what's with the juvenile name-calling "teach"? Being around kindergartners 180 days a year rubbing off on you?:tongue: