Abused boy ate feces, drank urine to survive

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
It's gutter trash like her that makes me think we need to establish a precedent wherein we put certain offenders in the middle of the town square and just stone them to death. Everybody who wants to gets a shot until she's either dead or we run out of rocks. Hopefully, this will teach people not to abuse their children. Unless there are real consequences (not just prison time), nothing is going to change.

Addendum: we can still throw rocks after she's dead too. This would be a great way to relieve stress.


It's gutter trash like her that makes me think we need to establish a precedent wherein we put certain offenders in the middle of the town square and just stone them to death. Everybody who wants to gets a shot until she's either dead or we run out of rocks. Hopefully, this will teach people not to abuse their children. Unless there are real consequences (not just prison time), nothing is going to change.

Addendum: we can still throw rocks after she's dead too. This would be a great way to relieve stress.

I hear they do that in Iraq.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Whats the word come to when you cant make a joke about poop and piss.

Its a Sad & fucked up world when somebody had to eat and drink their own poop & piss. :pukey::throwup::eek: I know when I smell or even imagine having to eat, drink, or smell either of them. I know I dry heave. wouldn't you. :dunno:

I hear they do that in Iraq.

They do that if you break ANY laws in that uncivilized hell hole! :uohs::shock:
this is one fucked up story and sad to see some are making a joke out of it.
i hope she gets whats coming to her and her prison mate makes her eat shit and drink her piss

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
It angers me to hear pro-lifers telling idiotic people who get pregnant by "accident" or by mistake in a one night stand, fling, affair, etc. not to get an abortion although these idiots are unfit, irresponsible and unqualified to be parents :rolleyes:

I don't know, write her a letter to prison and ask her if she is.

What does that have to do with this story? Perhaps you have heard of adoption. If you don't want your kid and end up pregnant, you can put it up for adoption. No one said that you had to keep it. :thumbsup: