Aaliyah Love / Molly (ALS) / Princess Molly Star

Re: Aaliyah Love

Sex/Making Love is not meant to be something tedious and boring - it is meant to be a fun and and adventurous way for 2 people to express their thoughts for each other. All to often thought it gets boring and monotonous

LOVE creatvivity and different things. The whipped cream heart about Aaliyah's "Juice Box" is a fun way to make things fun and lively. What person (M or F) wouldn't go crazy seeing it and make for a better experience for boh of you. And while that strawberry looks fresh and yummy knowing it was dipped where Aaliyah's cream comes from makes it taset even better. I enjoy chocolate sauce - pouring it on a woman's breasts or stomach and licking it off every so slowly. Incoporating food into sex makes it sooo much better


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Re: Aaliyah Love


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