A question about the Police where you live?

Will E Worm



Lord Dipstick
I have 3 childhood friends who are cops.....they have all lost their minds with that "us vs. them-cops mentality" bullshit. :facepalm:
They are most of the times friendly (and dumb as hell)
It is what Mel Gibson said in "Payback":
"If I was a little bit dumber, I could be one of them"
What I used to hear back in my crazy days, at LEAST once a weekend...."Hey bud! Come back here and talk to me?" So, I inevitably pissed a few off by replying, "Sure! Whatcha wanna talk about?" :D


For the EMPEROR!!
They're mostly pretty courteous here, especially considering all the drunken and moronic people they have to deal with.

But there are exceptions I suppose.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Havent really had anything to do with the police here in Holland, but back home I used to call them up and have them drive me home when I couldnt find a taxi... could have something to do with me working for the company that serviced their cars though....

Anyways, they were really friendly.

The police in Holland are a myth. They're on a 24/7 coffee break paid for by us.

If god forbid something does happen, you need to go online and fill out a form. So no citizen/police interaction ever goes on.
The police in Holland are a myth. They're on a 24/7 coffee break paid for by us.

If god forbid something does happen, you need to go online and fill out a form. So no citizen/police interaction ever goes on.

wow...that sounds...safe? :dunno:

Jon S.

First, some background on me.....I actually have a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, and I graduated top of my class at Penn State.

Now, I currently live in Louisiana. So, needless to say, I have NEVER seen such a lack of professionalism, institutional corruption, and systemic problems with law enforcement in my entire life. It's absolutely pathetic really. When I was in school, we always used the New Orleans Police Department as THE example of what you don't want to be in law enforcement. Living here, I've found that pretty much the entire state has corrupt law enforcement that is lacking in even the basic elements of professionalism. There is a reason why the Justice Department is always keeping an eye on Louisiana. Sadly, I believe the people are so used to corruption and a lack of professionalism that they don't even fully recognize what is wrong with it.

Needless to say, I can not wait to move from The Pelican State.....and the heat and humidity don't do anything to diminish that feeling.


Is somewhere outhere.
Non existent in Strathclyde unless you are singing sectarianist
tunes,or them sitting on their fat arses at the side of the road,
trying to get extra cash for themselves through speeding tickets.

As for my relationship I have nothing to do with the police and wouldn't
trust them as far as I could throw them :stir:


Closed Account
In the town I live (Ghent, Belgium) the police are courteous and professional. You see them all over town to show their presence but they won't bother you unless it's really necessary. I mean, Ghent is a town full of students so there won't be any nitpicking because some cyclist isn't following the traffic rules as should be, or pranks and the like. If they interfere there's a good reason for it, but they stay polite all the time.

I think it has to do with the kind of town as well. A town like Brussels is bigger than Ghent. It's a multicultural town. There's more crime too. Whenever I'm in Brussels the police will be present all over town as well and they won't interfere unless it's necessary, but they are way more strict and to the point and not always polite. It'll be more like "I'm representing the law" then "I'm your friendly neighbourhood cop".
Theres no cops around here, so l don't have much experience on whether their good or bad.

Their always courteous when l get pulled up for a random breath test ;)
Thanks everyone that's responded so far. It's nice to see all the different replies from many places the world over on how their "forces" behave when on the streets. I'll keep an eye on this thread incase anyone else responds.

Cheers :)

Scotland isn't America. That's an apple/orange statement. :2 cents: We're very very eclectic and very very HUGE.

I am aware of that my good man. I never stated we were in anyway similar. I merely stated that the cop attitude in the American movies is far FAR different from that of the cops on the streets of Scotland. And their attitudes couldn't be any further apart either. Which gave me the idea to ask what other police forces are like the world over (America included for real not in the movies).


Non existent in Strathclyde unless you are singing sectarianist
tunes,or them sitting on their fat arses at the side of the road,
trying to get extra cash for themselves through speeding tickets.

As for my relationship I have nothing to do with the police and wouldn't
trust them as far as I could throw them :stir:

I live in Strathclyde as well pal. You nailed it perfectly with the description of the five O. Couldn't have put it any better myself sir. I've never had any run in's with them myself. But I don't need to to know how they work if you keep your eyes and ears open. People would be amazed at what they can learn just by keeping both of them open at all times while keeping the mouth closed of course.


what the fuck you lookin at?
The police where I live are just as fuckin retarded, hypocritical and corrupt as anywhere else in the world. Also they care way to much about traffic laws. Like they have nothing better to do than pull people over for stupid shit. And I'm about fed up with this fuckin seatbelt nonsense. Who the fuck are you to tell me I HAVE to buckle my seatbelt? If I don't wanna wear it, I know the possible consequences so fuck off!


Torn & Frayed.
The police where I live are just as fuckin retarded, hypocritical and corrupt as anywhere else in the world. Also they care way to much about traffic laws. Like they have nothing better to do than pull people over for stupid shit. And I'm about fed up with this fuckin seatbelt nonsense. Who the fuck are you to tell me I HAVE to buckle my seatbelt? If I don't wanna wear it, I know the possible consequences so fuck off!

There's one reason,and only one reason seat belt laws were created and are enforced:


Same with helmet laws.

So I don't derail the thread; I'll say that I've seen a cross-section of cops here:Some assholes, some terrible,but most are okay.

I still get nervous when one's behind me,though.


In my personal experience they've mostly been cunts, though I respect the fact they do what is a pretty thankless job from day to day and have to deal with the scum of the earth so it's understandable.

I think most of them turned into a bunch of total pussies once they were given tasers though.
I can't say that they are the nicest people out there but I am sure there are worse cops. I just wish they cared more about actual crimes instead of trying to pinch everyone in town for speeding. If they got the chance to chase down a kid on a dirt bike they would send half the force after him, but if someones house got broken into they wouldn't get there for 4 or 5 days.


what the fuck you lookin at?
There's one reason,and only one reason seat belt laws were created and are enforced:


No shit, I already knew that. It's still bullshit. Also you gotta love the cops who think they're hard asses just because they have a fuckin badge. And they know if you do anything to them your facing some serious prison time. I can't stand those pricks.


Closed Account
Compared to where I used to live, I have nothing negative to say about them. Some of them belong to the same gun range I do. Where I work now, the law enforcement community there are pretty useless besides showing others how not to perform their duties.