Jane Burgess
Official Checked Star Member
The city I live in they are pretty nice. They have over 50,000 college students to deal with.
This is a thread about police, not what you see in the mirror.![]()
Havent really had anything to do with the police here in Holland, but back home I used to call them up and have them drive me home when I couldnt find a taxi... could have something to do with me working for the company that serviced their cars though....
Anyways, they were really friendly.
The police in Holland are a myth. They're on a 24/7 coffee break paid for by us.
If god forbid something does happen, you need to go online and fill out a form. So no citizen/police interaction ever goes on.
I haven't seen a police man/woman around my way in years!
Scotland isn't America. That's an apple/orange statement. :2 cents: We're very very eclectic and very very HUGE.
Non existent in Strathclyde unless you are singing sectarianist
tunes,or them sitting on their fat arses at the side of the road,
trying to get extra cash for themselves through speeding tickets.
As for my relationship I have nothing to do with the police and wouldn't
trust them as far as I could throw them :stir:
The police where I live are just as fuckin retarded, hypocritical and corrupt as anywhere else in the world. Also they care way to much about traffic laws. Like they have nothing better to do than pull people over for stupid shit. And I'm about fed up with this fuckin seatbelt nonsense. Who the fuck are you to tell me I HAVE to buckle my seatbelt? If I don't wanna wear it, I know the possible consequences so fuck off!
There's one reason,and only one reason seat belt laws were created and are enforced: