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A couple of questions for trump supporters

I'm not looking for any "debate" in this thread, just some honest answers to things I'm genuinely curious about.

This past weekend, Mike Pence and Tom Price were out in public trying to push support for the (now most likely dead) BCRA. They both repeated that the Act will cover more people, with better quality care, at more affordable premiums. This directly contradicts the CBO analysis that around 22 million people would no longer have health insurance under this plan.

Question: When officials like Pence and Price say these things, do you believe that they are telling the truth? That they somehow have access to a more thorough and accurate analysis than the CBO? Or do you know that they are lying, and you just don't care?

Despite the avalanche of evidence showing that many powerful people in the trump campaign had strong links to the Russian government, and the confession that trump jr, kushner and manafort all met with a Russian government lawyer with the goal of obtaining useful information on Clinton, white house officials and surrogates, as well as members of this board, have repeatedly claimed that it is nothing.

Question: When you say it's "nothing", do you mean that nobody from the trump campaign worked with the Russian government in attempts to affect the election outcome, or do you mean that it's perfectly fine for a presidential campaign to work with the Russian government to affect the election outcome?

If you choose to answer, your candor is appreciated.
One more thing (too late to edit), if you'd like to add your impression of the last 6 months of US government, with particular emphasis on achievements that you think make this administration successful, I'd like to read that too.
I'll try and not engage in the usual unproductive name calling and give you an honest answer.

The CBO has been wrong a lot.

Especially when it comes to Obamacare.


For every person that gains government healthcare, one or more that used to have it get priced out of the marketplace.

Healthcare and health insurance are not the same thing.

The government can't even run the VA healthcare program effectively.

That is why most of us conservatives oppose government or single payer healthcare.

Trump is wrong about healthcare, he favors single payer. On this issue I disagree with him.


Hiliary 2020
mongo everything you think you know comes from a news media who's sole purpose is to lie to you and propagandize you.

"nothing is real,
and nothing to get hung about,
lies and bullshit forever,
lies and bullshit forever,
lies and bullshit.... forevah"
So I guess nobody can, or will, answer these questions. That's disappointing. I guess the answers are pretty embarrassing for trump supporters.

Fortunately, we have recently been given some insight into the mind of a trump supporter in the form of everybody's favourite thing - poll results!

From Public Policy Polling (Source: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/...ns-many-trump-voters-in-denial-on-russia.html, Validation: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/public-policy-polling-ppp/):

Only 45% of trump voters believe the meeting with don jr happened. You know, the one the emails referred to, and that both donald trumps have publicly admitted happened? Yeah, 32% of them believe it never happened and 24% are not sure.

72% of trump voters think the whole Russia story is fake news, 14% do not. 64% are opposed to the investigation even happening, 24% support. And if the investigation proves collusion (aren't we there already?), 77% say he should remain in office, while 16% say he should resign. (That's something I am very much looking forward to, dems announcing that they have all the proof, and republicans responding with a shrug and saying "so what?" Then what happens???)

44% of them believe that Putin wanted Hillary to win, only 26% admit that he was pro trump.

This is the mentality that elected the current US president. Disturbing, to put it mildly.

And now some stats from the gen pop, not just trumpsters:

58% want to keep Obamacare and make any necessary fixes, vs 35% who say repeal.

37% consider trump to be honest, 57% say he isn't, and 52% call him a straight up liar.

57% are opposed to the wall, 35% support.

61% want to see the tax returns, 34% don't care. 56/35 support a law requiring presidential candidates to release 5 years of tax returns.

42% say trump is more corrupt than Nixon, to 35 who disagree.

35% say he has made America great again, 57% say he has not.

Tough not to notice that it's consistently around 35% who are swimming against the tide. Those are the ones who claim they represent real Americans, when in fact it's only about a third of Americans.

Current opinions show trump losing in hypothetical elections against Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris.

One thing Americans can agree on, congressional districts are bullshit. 60% think they are unfair, vs 16 who think they are. 68% would support laws requiring districts to be drawn in a nonpartisan way.
Do we really need to evaluate the collective intelligence of the Democrat base and what they believe?

That is why your threads sit here for two days with one response .

There are plenty of Trump accomplishments. 2:1 deregulation for every new regulation.

The Dow is up 18 percent since his election.

The NASDAQ is up 21 percent.

Yes these are accomplishments by Trump due to his policies.

We have pulled out of a loser Paris Climate accord.

Border crossings have been cut in half.

Morale of the border patrol is at an all time high.

MAGAnomics Google it.

There is not a more uninformed base than that of the Democrat party.

Or do we need to post Obama phone woman as a reminder?
The Dow is up 18 percent since his election.

The NASDAQ is up 21 percent.

Yes these are accomplishments by Trump due to his policies.
Nope, these are the results of Obama's policies. On the economy, everything that happens in the first 6 monthes of any presideht mandate is due to his predecessor because it takes some time for policies from the new president ot have effects.
But anyway, you can claim them for Trump if you want because this is exactly why many people were unhappy with Obama : his policies made wall street and the big corporations rich but the average american did not profited of these policies.

You can throw enconomical statistics and words such as MAGAnomics if you want. It won't change the fact that people are unhappy with Trump, as his 39% approval rating proves it (during his 8 years in office, Obama never got under 43%. He finished his presidency at 62%)

Go on, post that Obama phone stuff. But before, let me ask you a question :

Where's the fucking wall ?!

It's not in the House, no in the Senate, it's certainly not on the mexican border. It sure is on Trump's mind because he keeps tweeting crazy ideas about that wall. As for now, ti would be a 50 fts transparent solar wall.
Wait ! Transparent ? Has Trump created transparent concrete or is he giving up on his proimise of a "big fat concrete wall" to a "big fat plexiglass wall " ?
Anyway, wehere's the wall ?! When will congress vote its construction ? When will it starts ? When will it be finished ?
Get it built, fast, because even hardcore Trump fans are losing patience
Nope, these are the results of Obama's policies. On the economy, everything that happens in the first 6 monthes of any presideht mandate is due to his predecessor because it takes some time for policies from the new president ot have effects.
But anyway, you can claim them for Trump if you want because this is exactly why many people were unhappy with Obama : his policies made wall street and the big corporations rich but the average american did not profited of these policies.

You can throw enconomical statistics and words such as MAGAnomics if you want. It won't change the fact that people are unhappy with Trump, as his 39% approval rating proves it (during his 8 years in office, Obama never got under 43%. He finished his presidency at 62%)

Go on, post that Obama phone stuff. But before, let me ask you a question :

Where's the fucking wall ?!

It's not in the House, no in the Senate, it's certainly not on the mexican border. It sure is on Trump's mind because he keeps tweeting crazy ideas about that wall. As for now, ti would be a 50 fts transparent solar wall.
Wait ! Transparent ? Has Trump created transparent concrete or is he giving up on his proimise of a "big fat concrete wall" to a "big fat plexiglass wall " ?
Anyway, wehere's the wall ?! When will congress vote its construction ? When will it starts ? When will it be finished ?
Get it built, fast, because even hardcore Trump fans are losing patience

No Pepe,

The markets reacted to consumer confidence due to Trump's election.

In fact there is not one Obama economic policy that you or anyone else can point to that has caused a spike in the markets.

He has been in office 6 months as of today.

The wall will be built.

So I guess nobody can, or will, answer these questions. That's disappointing. I guess the answers are pretty embarrassing for trump supporters.

Fortunately, we have recently been given some insight into the mind of a trump supporter in the form of everybody's favourite thing - poll results!

From Public Policy Polling (Source: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/...ns-many-trump-voters-in-denial-on-russia.html, Validation: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/public-policy-polling-ppp/):

Only 45% of trump voters believe the meeting with don jr happened. You know, the one the emails referred to, and that both donald trumps have publicly admitted happened? Yeah, 32% of them believe it never happened and 24% are not sure.

72% of trump voters think the whole Russia story is fake news, 14% do not. 64% are opposed to the investigation even happening, 24% support. And if the investigation proves collusion (aren't we there already?), 77% say he should remain in office, while 16% say he should resign. (That's something I am very much looking forward to, dems announcing that they have all the proof, and republicans responding with a shrug and saying "so what?" Then what happens???)

44% of them believe that Putin wanted Hillary to win, only 26% admit that he was pro trump.

This is the mentality that elected the current US president. Disturbing, to put it mildly.

And now some stats from the gen pop, not just trumpsters:

58% want to keep Obamacare and make any necessary fixes, vs 35% who say repeal.

37% consider trump to be honest, 57% say he isn't, and 52% call him a straight up liar.

57% are opposed to the wall, 35% support.

61% want to see the tax returns, 34% don't care. 56/35 support a law requiring presidential candidates to release 5 years of tax returns.

42% say trump is more corrupt than Nixon, to 35 who disagree.

35% say he has made America great again, 57% say he has not.

Tough not to notice that it's consistently around 35% who are swimming against the tide. Those are the ones who claim they represent real Americans, when in fact it's only about a third of Americans.

Current opinions show trump losing in hypothetical elections against Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris.

One thing Americans can agree on, congressional districts are bullshit. 60% think they are unfair, vs 16 who think they are. 68% would support laws requiring districts to be drawn in a nonpartisan way.

Dear member of Mensa:

2 presidents in the past 40 years had approval ratings in the 60-70 percent range within their first year. and became one termers.

2 had ratings in the 30's- barely 40 and win two terms.

Also, Trump was being trounced by double digits by Hillary Clinton, and Jeb Bush in 2015.

You do live in a pathetic bubble don't you?
During his first monthes in office, Barrack Obama put the US economy back on tracks.
During his first monthes in office, Trump... played Golf
Nope, these are the results of Obama's policies. On the economy, everything that happens in the first 6 monthes of any presideht mandate is due to his predecessor because it takes some time for policies from the new president ot have effects.
But anyway, you can claim them for Trump if you want because this is exactly why many people were unhappy with Obama : his policies made wall street and the big corporations rich but the average american did not profited of these policies.

You can throw enconomical statistics and words such as MAGAnomics if you want. It won't change the fact that people are unhappy with Trump, as his 39% approval rating proves it (during his 8 years in office, Obama never got under 43%. He finished his presidency at 62%)

Go on, post that Obama phone stuff. But before, let me ask you a question :

Where's the fucking wall ?!

It's not in the House, no in the Senate, it's certainly not on the mexican border. It sure is on Trump's mind because he keeps tweeting crazy ideas about that wall. As for now, ti would be a 50 fts transparent solar wall.
Wait ! Transparent ? Has Trump created transparent concrete or is he giving up on his proimise of a "big fat concrete wall" to a "big fat plexiglass wall " ?
Anyway, wehere's the wall ?! When will congress vote its construction ? When will it starts ? When will it be finished ?
Get it built, fast, because even hardcore Trump fans are losing patience

illegal border crossings are down over 70% since Trump took office. What's-her-face, former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino suggests that President Trump IS the wall. His force of will and excellence are holding back the tide. That, or people are getting the message. Ask MS-13.


and Tomi Lahren - i wanna wreck that.
former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino suggests that President Trump IS the wall.
Tryump mentioned a big fat (well, he is fat) concrete wall. Is Trump made of concrete ? I don't think so (althought he seems to have a stone heart).
He spoke about a 50 feat wall . Is Trump 50 feet tall ?
He also mentioned a asolar wall and a transparent wall. I don't think he is either solar or transparent...
Tryump mentioned a big fat (well, he is fat) concrete wall. Is Trump made of concrete ? I don't think so (althought he seems to have a stone heart).
He spoke about a 50 feat wall . Is Trump 50 feet tall ?
He also mentioned a asolar wall and a transparent wall. I don't think he is either solar or transparent...

She was speaking metaphorically, I think. And Trump isn't made of concrete but tempered steel, folded over 1000 times, like a katana forged by Japanese master artisans whose skill has been handed down for generations. Best you remember that. Macron does.

And the Army Corps of Engineers have begun prepatory work on the wall.


and when it does get built, the cuck republicans in congress need to be catapulted over it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
She was speaking metaphorically, I think. And Trump isn't made of concrete but tempered steel, folded over 1000 times, like a katana forged by Japanese master artisans whose skill has been handed down for generations. Best you remember that. Macron does.

And the Army Corps of Engineers have begun prepatory work on the wall.

and when it does get built, the cuck republicans in congress need to be catapulted over it.

That was really well written. I don't know if you dabble in the literary arts outside of FreeOnes, but that belongs published in an ezine somewhere's.
That was really well written. I don't know if you dabble in the literary arts outside of FreeOnes, but that belongs published in an ezine somewhere's.

thanks for the compliment. I like to read and was a bookworm growing up but never had any interest in writing. I don't think I have the attention span for it. I was the dungeon master of our D&D group in the 7th grade though. *nerd alert*
Dear member of Mensa:

2 presidents in the past 40 years had approval ratings in the 60-70 percent range within their first year. and became one termers.

2 had ratings in the 30's- barely 40 and win two terms.

Also, Trump was being trounced by double digits by Hillary Clinton, and Jeb Bush in 2015.

You do live in a pathetic bubble don't you?

Come on son. I'm used to you dodging and deflecting the hard questions, that's why I stopped treating you like a person, but I deliberately left approval ratings out of all the stats I quoted, for that exact reason. Those are opinions on policy specifics. Nobody likes any of trump's, not that it matters, since he seems incapable of learning anything about how to govern. It was all going to be so easy....

Anyway, I can see you're getting hostile and lashing out like you always do when you have no good diversion, so I'll go back to treating you like the full frontal lobotomy patient you are. I'm sure you'll make another post that has nothing to do with anything in this thread, then announce that you've schooled me enough and declare yourself victorious, the same way all our discussions end when I waste my time treating you like an adult.