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911 Remembered

pretty interesting results from polling of folk in the US


I thought it was made very clear by George W, that "the turrists hate us fer our freedum". You cant possibly think that somehow a US foreign policy of hatred and terrorism against the Islamic world would create people who "hate 'Murica"

Everyone knows the great USA can do no wrong, everyone else is wrong
while i'm sure everyone is going to get swept away in amnesia ridden emotion this year, could someone tell me what exactly we're supposed to remember about 9/11?

what are we not supposed to forget?
I was working in a big box store at the time. After the first plane hit we turned all of the T.V.'s in the store to the news and set up a big set in the front of the store. Nobody was getting any work done and nobody cared if they did. By the time the towers fell you could hear your own footsteps going through the store. What angered me more than anything was some of the open hostility some of our customers had towards our Middle Eastern employees. They were watching the same footage as the rest of us and shedding the same tears yet some idiotic fucks are looking at them as if it was their fault.

I will say what I always say this time of year. To those who got out alive, bless you. To those who died, RIP. To those who went back in to help, Thank you.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The time when the planes flew into the buildings (WTC, Pentagon, the e other one, that was headed for Washington, and where glaly, the passengers stormed the cockpit and stopped the terrorists), I worked the second job I worked then.

It was in a call center doing market research for radio stations broadcasting in the area I live.

So I got the news second hand, and it went down like this.

Me and my co-workers, mostly middle-aged ladies and students, made our calls, talked to the people, played them some music snippets and asked which the people liked better.

Suddenly, one of the ladies hung up and turned to me and said, 'This guy told me there was a plane that flew into the World Trade Center.'

I shook my head and said, 'Man, we do get some nutjobs sometimes.'

We both shrugged and made our next calls.

But one after the other of us hung up and look bewildered and said something like, 'This woman just said a second plane hit the other tower. This can't be an accident, you know.'

We just stopped making calls and started arguing. This was not possible.

But, like, fifteen completely random called people telling us that TWO planes happen to accidently crash into those towers???

Then one of the few who still made calls said what was the final straw:

'There is a plane that hit the Pentagon.'

Dead silence.

Was this how the next World War started? With us, here in this tacky bureau, not home with our families? An attack on two trade towers are one thing, an attack on a top military facility is a clear act of war, one of the students said.

The manager came in, he had internet access, and watched the news, he was so dumbstruck he wasn't able to stand up and come over earlier, it seemed.

'Go home, there's no point making calls anymore.'

Seldom did I ride my bicycle as fast as then, and when I turned on the TV, there were those pictures you all saw.

Never forget.

But: Don't let those fires blind you.

Those few fanatics are NOT the muslim world.


I think the footage of the planes crashing into the buildings should just be locked away somewhere. Not exactly healthy to continually watch that over and over again.

It is however pretty useful if you are a government trying to 'remind' the public why they've got to spend unlimited amounts of your money on the military and give themselves unlimited amounts of power.
I was working at Cisco Systems at the time and I used my tv as my alarm back then. I had HLN set as my wake up and normally I'd just get a few news stories mixed in with a bunch of tripe. Of course, that morning was different the first tower had already been hit when my tv woke me. So I got up thinking about how that sucked and what a shitty accident. So I called my Grandma because she always is up on the news. Then while I was going through my wake up routine talking to her the second plane hit. I had a moment of clarity and said to her something about how the world was about to change. So I finished my morning routine and headed off to work. At work most of the employees hadn't shown up. I worked in a tradeshow department so we had tvs and whatnot so just me and the few guys who were there pretty much just watched tv all day. We talked about all the random thoughts going through our heads about what we were seeing. When I headed home I decided to go to the local cd shop I liked because some cd i don't even remember was coming out that day. The shop was pretty much empty, I remember thinking about how it was the first time I'd ever been there with no lines. It honestly didn't really sink in until that night when I got home what had happened on that day. The amazing breadth of reaction still strikes me today from people helping however they could, I donated money to a cause for the first time in my life, to the people turning right to fire-branding. The people who used 9/11 as an excuse to act in very un-American ways disgusted me and they still do but I suppose everything is a part of America which is what makes us the country we are.
I came home from school when my brother told me that a building in the US is burning. I switched the channel and saw the whole thing until I finally went to bed. Could hardly sleep because I thought there was a war about to start and I wasn't that wrong


Closed Account
I was working as a cartographer at the time. It was somewhere in the afternoon, the day was bright and I remember I was working on a survey of Norway. Maybe I had a short break or was I doing something else but I heard about the first impact from my colleagues when I came back to my workspace. They had heard from it on the radio. It appeared to be a freakish accident and they were talking about a small plane so I didn't think much of it at the time: it was unfortunate but there always have been accidents like this, like boats sinking or plane crashes or war...
Untill another news flash on the radio mentioned a second plane had hit. I felt shivers down my spine and my heart beating fast, and we all new this wasn't an accident no more. There was a little confusion and discussion if there was really a second plane crash or that we maybe misunderstood, but it went dead silence when we heard another news flash of a plane hitting the Pentagon and a fourth plane going down.

At the time the information I had was what I had heard, or red on the internet, but I hadn't seen it yet. After work I didn't go home but went straight to the evening courses of the Academy of Art as I always did. We didn't draw much, there was only talking about the events. But when I went home in the evening I stopped at a local store where there was a television in the display window still on. There were other people watching. I remember thinking finding it weard to see people watch the television in a window display at about 10 o'clock in the evening, but then again the whole day had been weard. And when I actually watched the planes hit the towers, and the collapsing... it was like it really hit me that time. It couldn't have been more symbolic in a way: it was like the world we new had been hit and collapsed, instead of the towers. All would change now. I didn't now how, when, why, who... but all would change and never be the same.
We were in Science class around the time the first plane hit (UK time). Of course we never knew what had happened until we all got home. I was 14 at the time. It took a few minutes to sink what had happened because we weren't used to hearing of hijacking of planes and stuff and in NY of all places.

The single biggest crime in history.


Staff member
note, the next person who posts the same type of shitty pic that raging caucasian posted, will get a vacation, I trust this is Crystal Clear.


My Penis Is Dancing!
A couple of evenings before, I had watched a special about a WWII airplane that had accidentally flew into the Empire State Building right after that war.
That morning, I was just surfing around the web and decided to check my Yahoo news page. There was a little uninformative blurb about a plane (thought to be a single passenger plane) flying into one of the World Trade Center buildings. So, I turned on CNN to see, just out of curiosity...just in time to watch a jet slam into the second.
That's when the news started getting even weirder. There was the report of the plane hitting the Pentagon (an event that sometimes seems buried), a report of a "suspicious bag" in front of the White House, several planes over the States being unaccounted for, and another plane that was headed for the White House (and subsequently crashed into a field in Pennsylvania thanks to some brave souls on board). There may have even been some reports about Air Force One or Air Force Two missing, but I am not sure.
I had to work that evening, and was even manager on duty at the retail store. Of course, the night was extremely quiet. Yeah, we did have some people buy up all of our gas cans in panic - and there were the huge gas lines at the nearby stations that night. But for the most part, there was a nervous quietness that hung around for weeks.
i was 11 years old, in the 7th grade at the time. i remember my mom waking me up to get me ready for school (breakfast, uniform, etc). i was groggy, but i kept wondering why she was crying and saying "why would they do this!? how could they do this?!" to my dad.

i went into the kitchen, poured myself a bowl of cereal and turned on the tv, which was already on a channel showing the attacks. i had missed both planes hitting, but i just remember the chaos that was the east coast and news networks. just before we left to get me to school, my brother called the house. he was in the USMC Reserves, and had gotten his standby call. he told my mom he had gotten said call, and that we were going to war. this is when i finally started realizing what was going on. we were mobilizing for war, and my brother might be going.

(he was activated at the start of the iraq war for 9 months loading and unloading ships with his unit in SoCal. never went overseas, to his disappointing)

once i got to school, everyone was talking about it. there was a kid in my class whos family was middle eastern, he was crying because he heard his parents talking about what this was going to mean for them. people were going to be suspicious, afraid, angry etc. we all reassured this kid that we knew this wasnt him, his family or anyone they knew. that he and his family were a part of our community and were safe.

at this point, classes were stopped and everyone was watching tv. we watched the towers fall. another kid in class had family in the military, and we started getting really scared for them, which led to us breaking down in tears. once the realization of all these events, the school cancelled the rest of the day and had us all picked up.

i was picked up by my mom, and went to work with her at another school (she was a secretary in the rectory). she had a little black and white tv in her office, didnt pick up anything but the basic channels, which were covered in news of the attacks. i eventually just turned off the tv and started doing anything else to occupy my time.

then at the end of the day, we went home. and while my parents watched and listened, i played games and watched spongebob because i had my fair share of it. i had actually gotten sick because i was so scared.

the rest is pretty much history. im sure it was the same for most other kids my age. at least the ones i went to school with.
i was 11 years old, in the 7th grade at the time. i remember my mom waking me up to get me ready for school (breakfast, uniform, etc). i was groggy, but i kept wondering why she was crying and saying "why would they do this!? how could they do this?!" to my dad.

i went into the kitchen, poured myself a bowl of cereal and turned on the tv, which was already on a channel showing the attacks. i had missed both planes hitting, but i just remember the chaos that was the east coast and news networks. just before we left to get me to school, my brother called the house. he was in the USMC Reserves, and had gotten his standby call. he told my mom he had gotten said call, and that we were going to war. this is when i finally started realizing what was going on. we were mobilizing for war, and my brother might be going.

(he was activated at the start of the iraq war for 9 months loading and unloading ships with his unit in SoCal. never went overseas, to his disappointing)

once i got to school, everyone was talking about it. there was a kid in my class whos family was middle eastern, he was crying because he heard his parents talking about what this was going to mean for them. people were going to be suspicious, afraid, angry etc. we all reassured this kid that we knew this wasnt him, his family or anyone they knew. that he and his family were a part of our community and were safe.

at this point, classes were stopped and everyone was watching tv. we watched the towers fall. another kid in class had family in the military, and we started getting really scared for them, which led to us breaking down in tears. once the realization of all these events, the school cancelled the rest of the day and had us all picked up.

i was picked up by my mom, and went to work with her at another school (she was a secretary in the rectory). she had a little black and white tv in her office, didnt pick up anything but the basic channels, which were covered in news of the attacks. i eventually just turned off the tv and started doing anything else to occupy my time.

then at the end of the day, we went home. and while my parents watched and listened, i played games and watched spongebob because i had my fair share of it. i had actually gotten sick because i was so scared.

the rest is pretty much history. im sure it was the same for most other kids my age. at least the ones i went to school with.
Similar feelings for me, when The Queen Of Hearts died. . ,:weeping:
I remember coming home from my parents store to do some University coursework when I put on the news (maybe CNN?), the first plane had already hit and the presenters were all relaxed (albeit a bit shocked) and then the second plane hit much to their disbelief and it now become apparent ths was some sort of mind blowing terririst attack. I phone my brither-in-law who was at home and told him to put on the news and in the end I walked over to his house to watch. We watched in disbelief and it all seemed so surreal, then the words 'pentagon on fire' flashed on the screen and I said to him they've hit the pentagon too but he thought it meant this is a report from the pentagon on the fire (at the twin towers) but it turned out that had been targetted too. We had no idea the towers could fall and when they both did although still glued to the TV in disbelief it was something horrifying we no longer wanted to watch, especially when the possible casualty figures were quoted at 30000 - 40000 at the time. RIP all the innocent victims

the pic saying "good job bin laden" but you haven't noticed it certainly.
It must be deleted as I can't see it and never have, was it posted recently as I've only visited this thread today for the first time since last week I think


Staff member
When 9/11 happened, I was in English Course at my Commerce and Business School. The evening I had phone calls from my family living in the US in Ny and Texas saying to me that some of the people I have met in 1999 and before were dead. I have been on the phone with my aunt, uncle and cousins for over an hour. The next day my mind changed, I decided to stand for and strive for America as well as to defend it beak and claws no matter what the other pupils could say. I had vehement and vigorous debates in a course called contemporary world culture with anti american pupils coming from Maghreb as well as with the teacher who was an anti american leftitst.
5 years later at my former workplace, I have beaten an idiotic irresponsible 18 years old who said that he was glad that 9/11 happened. I said then to my manager to fire this guy, 2 months later because the guy was unreliable and was full of shit, he got fired.
Since 9/11 happened, every evening I light up a candle in rememberance of the victims.
When 9/11 happened, I was in English Course at my Commerce and Business School. The evening I had phone calls from my family living in the US in Ny and Texas saying to me that some of the people I have met in 1999 and before were dead. I have been on the phone with my aunt, uncle and cousins for over an hour. The next day my mind changed, I decided to stand for and strive for America as well as to defend it beak and claws no matter what the other pupils could say. I had vehement and vigorous debates in a course called contemporary world culture with anti american pupils coming from Maghreb as well as with the teacher who was an anti american leftitst.
5 years later at my former workplace, I have beaten an idiotic irresponsible 18 years old who said that he was glad that 9/11 happened. I said then to my manager to fire this guy, 2 months later because the guy was unreliable and was full of shit, he got fired.
Since 9/11 happened, every evening I light up a candle in rememberance of the victims.
Someone shouldn't be fire for having a different viewpoint than you!!