9 Reasons why GOD HATES HOLLAND!

FYI, put the word JOKE in big letters when you next attempt a joke. Just to let us all know. Putting LAUGH NOW at the end might also help. :rolleyes:

^^"Joke." Happy now?:)

(Unfortunately FOs doesn't allow you to increase the size of it's smilies or make them bold. You know, like the one holding that insert evil laugh sign?:rolleyes:)
2. The Dutch are the only people in the world who think that the Dutch can play football. They never won anything, their most disastrous moment being 1974 when their players had so much sex and alcohol before the world cup final with Germany that they forgot to show up.

Netherlands won euro '88, dutch teams won the Champion's League 6 times, Cruyff won Golden Ball '74, Van Basten won it on years 88, 89 and 91.
In 89, the Golden Ball to was 100% dutch : Van Basten, Rijkaard, Gullit.

I lived in the Netherlands for a few monthes and I can tell you that, if I had to choose wether to live in my home country (France) or in the Netherlands, I would choose the Netherlands.
Whos this God you guys are talking about?
The Netherlands are a cool country, the Dutch are friendly and funny people and the dutch girls are often bombastic big boobed blondes.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Well of course, if a stupid church thinks they're evil, it sounds like a place I wanna go to. I find it funny a church calling someone else hypocritical...
This is so funny. It was posted on the The Landover Baptist Church Forums and I laughed my ass off :1orglaugh

1. The Dutch language is the only language in the world that doesn't have a word for virgin. In a country where drugs, postnatal abortion, gay marriage, prostitution and sex with children are all completely legal, the concept is simply completely unknown. They even have a political party "Christen Unie" which actively promotes sex with children! Psalm 9:17 "... into hell ... all the nations that forget God."

This is not true, we do have a word for it : Maagd.. ask any dutch person

2. The Dutch are the only people in the world who think that the Dutch can play football. They never won anything, their most disastrous moment being 1974 when their players had so much sex and alcohol before the world cup final with Germany that they forgot to show up.

Of course not, not all of Holland is that Arrogant.

3. The Dutch gay cowards army is the worst in the world. Whenever they get scared they simply run away no matter how many innocent people will die because of that. The Dutch claim to have an air force but no one has ever actually seen it in action. Their parliament has been debating whether or not to buy just a single military airplane for decades. Revelation 21:8 "... whoremongers ..."

I believe for a small country we are doing pretty well.

4. The Dutch are always telling the rest of the world how to behave. No one ever listens. Matthew 24:51 "... hypocrites ..."

Maybe you should make this the Dutch Government tells this, that's very different then the dutch people.

5. The only people actually working in Holland are the Polish and the Turks. All other people are on welfare because they are too stoned to work. Geert Wilders, an Indonesian bisexual who dyed his hair blonde and wears blue contact lenses to look more like a German Nazi, is trying to change all this, but everyone is too stoned to notice. Proverbs 12:24 "... the lazy man ..."

Complete bullsh... it's been proven that most people in Holland who are living on bennefits (non workers) are not dutch.

6. Since everything in Holland is legal, they have a lot of empty prisons. No one in Holland knows what those are meant for. The Dutch are rumored to have a police force but they are too stoned to do anything useful with the exception of producing insane amounts of speeding tickets. Romans 1:30 "... inventors of evil things ..."

I agree with the last part about speeding tickets, but theprisons are definitly not empty, look at the bijlmer in Amsterdam, is quite full.

7. The Dutch have an ugly hat wearing silly excuse for a queen who is not even Dutch as both her husband, father and grandfather all were Nazis who escaped criminal prosecution by joining the royal family. To keep the family line pure her retarded son Alexander is married to Máxima Zorreguieta who personally shot thousands of Argentinian farmers before she was forced to escape into the royal family as well. No one in the Dutch royal family speaks Dutch. 1 Corinthians 6:9 "... inherit the kingdom ... adulterers ..."

Agree, but the royal family are not that beloved through the people as most people think.

8. The depraved little Dutch boy why is rumored to have used his finger to stop the flow of water from a dyke did not actually use his finger to achieve that... Romans 1:29 "... fornication ..."

So what ? he stopped the water, that's what's counts hahhaha i enjoyed this one.

9. Right after betraying Anne Frank at the end of the Second World War the Dutch immediately started to slaughter as many innocent women and children in Indonesia as possible. This ended after the Americans kicked the Dutch out and restored peace and prosperity in Indonesia. Romans 1:32 "... worthy of death ... have pleasure in them ..."

We never betrayed Anne Frank, that was the SS which where betrayers, but certainly not all dutch people. i do agree that the situation in Indonesia was horrible and we threated them awfully, but that hapened with the british, french and spanish too in so many countries. i can't recall the americans kicked us out, i thought it was the british.. check your history mate !

All people of Holland need to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their savior! Until then, they will suffer and will burn in Hell along with other God-mocking countries like Denmark, Australia, England, The Netherlands, Scotland, New Zealand, Germany, France, Italy, Hungary, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, South Africa, Iceland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala, Algeria, Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, etc.

What the F&*$%ck.. ??? Holland is one of the most Athiest countries in europe nowadays. completely not right, most of the dutch people have no religion !

The funny thing is that some of the members on that forum are serious