Does anybody think, after all the veterans have passed away, that remembrance will be a thing of the past?
Remebrance will never be a thing of the past in my opinion. I'm from good old blighty where all our first world war veterans have now passed away. If anything it seemed to make our recent remembrance day even more poignant.
Excuse me if I come across as a bit overly sentimental but in my opinion the kind of person who existed in the horror of the trenchs in WW1, Normandy, Monte Casino, Arnhem or any other such conflict is a breed apart from the likes of the average pleb. Bottom line, heroes live on for ever in their actions!
Anyone who thinks that's bullshit has not the sense to imagine the courage needed to press forward while bullets whizz around you.
By the way I include our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ha ha. I'll get off my soap box now before I fall off!