Which Rolling Stone’s Son Married HIS Wife’s Mother?
At age 47, the Rolling Stones’ bassist, Bill Wyman, began a relationship with 13-year old Mandy Smith, with her mother’s blessing. Six years later, they were married, but the marriage only lasted a year. According to Smith, their relationship was sexually consummated when she was 14 years old.
Not long after, Bill’s 30-year-old son Stephen married Mandy’s mother, age 46. That made Stephen a stepfather to his former stepmother. If Bill and Mandy had remained married, Stephen would have been his father’s father-in-law and his own grandpa.
Man's 30 year werewolf hunt after scary run in with 'car-sized dog with human face'
EXCLUSIVE Grandad Colin was bitten by an obsession to find the creatures from folklore after an unforgettable experience that happened South Yorkshire in 1990
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/mans-30-year-werewolf-hunt-23890100By the light of a full moon Colin Keelty saw something so terrifying that it changed his life.
In the distance he spotted a beast running. He believed it was a deer – until it stood up on two legs.
“I won’t lie, I was petrified – the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up,” said Colin, 54.
The truck driver was so sure it was a werewolf that he’s spent 30 years hunting the spooky lycanthropes.
Grandad Colin was bitten by an obsession to find the creatures from folklore after an unforgettable experience in Hatfield, South Yorks, in October 1990....
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/univ...dental-acceptances_n_606f8e2cc5b634fd437b8461University Of Kentucky Mistakenly Sends 500,000 Acceptances
Technical issues caused half a million high school seniors to be accepted into a program that usually accepts about three dozen students a year.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — The University of Kentucky mistakenly sent acceptance emails to 500,000 high school seniors for a program that usually accepts about three dozen students a year.
The school followed up with another email less than 24 hours later and apologized for its mistake, citing a “technical issue,” WLEX-TV reported.
“Only a handful of those on the prospect list had been admitted to UK,” UK spokesman Jay Blanton said. “The vast majority had not, nor had the vast majority of these students expressed an interest in the program. Nevertheless, we regret the communication error and have sent correspondence to all those who were contacted, offering our apologies.”
The acceptance was for this fall in the clinical leadership and management program in the College of Health Sciences.
Collin should know all of the werewolves are in London, hoping to see Warren one last time.
This coincidence is hardcore:Happy 4/20 Supafly. What are you smoking in Germany?